Why Everyone's Wondering If xQc Will Get Banned By Twitch - Updated

Update – 11/18/2020

At about 1 p.m. Eastern, xQc has, in fact, been banned by Twitch for violating player conduct rules. According to Twitch Rivals' Twitter account, the streamer has been banned for violating GlitchCon's player conduct rules. Specifically, a text-image posted along with the tweet says that xQc broke rules that prohibit "cheating of any sort through any means." The image went on to say that xQc broke rules against stream sniping during the tiebreaker of the Fall Guys match on November 14 — in short, he affected the outcome of a match that had prize-money on the line after he'd already been eliminated.


He received a six-month ban from Twitch Rivals, forfeited all prize money, and was also temporarily banned from Twitch. A post on Dot Esports notes that this was his fourth ban from Twitch. Time will tell whether or not this temporary ban becomes a permanent one.

Original article:

The shady side of xQc has seemingly revealed itself yet again. Following accusations of stream-sniping, some of Twitch's most high-profile streamers think there's a good change that xQc will be banned from the platform. The whole thing started when xQc utilized a frowned-upon tactic during a Fall Guys tournament. 

During the game, xQc had already been eliminated, so his strategy changed to grabbing another player's character and leaping off the map to kill them. This vital elimination allowed xQc's teammates to secure 3rd place in the tournament. Not only is this against the rules of the tournament, it's a pretty bad look for any team competing in a game for actual money. According to a report from Dexerto, members of the winning team were each awarded $11,000.


Following this move from xQc, there has been quite a bit of backlash from the streaming community. Fellow Twitch streamer Tyler1 watched a clip of xQc's stream-sniping move in complete disbelief, at one point screaming, "Wait, he is doing it?"

Shroud was also particularly displeased with xQc's tactics. Shortly after watching the controversial move, Shroud commented that he had lost all of his respect for xQc. Shroud went on to say that he's expecting Twitch to take action. "I'm in disbelief. He literally just made Twitch history," Shroud said. "That has never happened before. No big partner has ever done that ... And I am so shocked because I don't know what's gonna happen. I don't even think Twitch knows ... I don't know if they are going to ban him for a week, ban him for a month, ban him for 3 days, I have no idea." 

Shroud and Tyler1's comments led to a shouting argument (beware of harsh language) between the pair and xQc, who was backed up by Tfue. It should be noted that some parts of this argument appear to be played up for the camera, but Tyler1 did not back down from calling xQc "a sore loser."

For his own part, xQc seems to seriously regret his decision. After seeing multiple fans defending him on social media, xQc took to Twitter to own up to his mistake. He tweeted, "Stop defending [me] everywhere for no reason. We got into the final game with @DrLupo and @shroud's team. We shouldn't of done it and it was wrong. I'm sorry for my actions. I thought it would be funny. It did not change the outcome but it was still malicious. Sorry."


If xQc does receive a punishment from Twitch, it would be the second time this year. The streamer already received a 24-hour ban earlier in 2020 for showing a picture of two gorillas "being intimate" on his stream. 

