Things Aren't Looking Good For Capcom

Capcom has become the latest major video game company to fall victim to a large-scale hack. Earlier this month, the company reported (translation via IGN) that a cyber attack had been launched against it, but that there was no evidence of any stolen data. Now, it appears that the hack on Capcom's servers was substantially worse than originally believed.


Capcom has recently posted an update to an investors website (again, translation via IGN) to explain the scale of the attack. According to Capcom, the personal information of nine employees had been compromised, as well as information concerning company finances and sales reports. What's even more troubling is that around 350,000 additional records have been compromised, which may include such data as phone numbers and email addresses. At this time, the investigation is ongoing. 

Luckily for Capcom's many customers, it does not appear that any payment information was stolen in the attack. Capcom explained in its latest statement, "None of the at-risk data contains credit card information. All online transactions etc. are handled by a third-party service provider, and as such Capcom does not maintain any such information internally."


According to IGN, there may be more than personal information on the line here, as well. Rumor has it that the stolen info may have also included details on upcoming Capcom games. IGN says that these rumors have surrounded PC ports for Monster Hunter Rise and Monster Hunter Series 2, as well as an alleged Oculus VR port or remake of Resident Evil 4. The leaks may have even revealed the launch date for Resident Evil 8: Village. There may be other games that have had details leaked to the public, but IGN has been unable to confirm these rumors or receive any response from Capcom. 

Although Capcom has assured fans that their data has not been stolen, the company has encouraged people to reach out to the company with any concerns. IGN reports, "Capcom says it's begin contacting anyone whose personal information has been confirmed as compromised, and says anyone who wants to inquire about their own information should contact their region's Capcom customer support service."

Hopefully Capcom's investigation yields results and customers can truly relax. When it comes to hackers, this has been a difficult year for major game companies. Earlier this year, Nintendo found itself the victim of a similar cyber attack. Around 300,000 Nintendo accounts were breached, leading to the company taking steps to further "safeguard" customers. Much like the Capcom hack, Nintendo reassured customers that no credit card information had been stolen.


