xQc Isn't The Only Streamer Who Got Banned Because Of GlitchCon

Recently, the popular streamer xQc was banned from Twitch for stream sniping during a Twitch Rivals Fall Guys tournament at GlitchCon. xQc tuned in to rival streamers to identify their Fall Guys avatars and intentionally targeted them. However, it turns out xQc wasn't alone in his questionable actions — or the repercussions.


The Twitch Rivals Twitter account recently announced that, upon further examination, moderators discovered more instances of cheating. Nightblue3, Mendo, GrandPooBear, and even Tfue were all found guilty of violating Twitch's rules during the GlitchCon tournament. Although, only Nightblue3, Mendo, and GrandPooBear actually stream sniped — Tfue merely chose not to inform Twitch Rival admins despite knowing about his teammates' activities.


When xQc was exposed as a stream sniper, he was exiled from future Twitch Rivals competitions for six months and forced to forfeit his prizes. Since Nightblue3, Mendo, and GrandPooBear were caught red-handed performing the exact same tactic, they were given the same punishment. Tfue, meanwhile, only has to give back his winnings. He is still allowed to participate in Twitch Rivals tournaments, but he might not be openly welcomed. Do not be surprised if contest moderators keep him on a short leash for fear of further violations.

Moreover, the bans extend past Twitch Rivals participation. If you try to search for xQc, Nightblue3, Mendo, and GrandPooBear on Twitch, they will not come up because the accounts have also been suspended. After all, cheating doesn't just violate Twitch Rivals' rules — it also violates Twitch's rules in general. Meanwhile, since Tfue was only found guilty of negligence and not actual cheating, his Twitch account is still up and running. Plus, if you are (relatively) unfazed by Twitch's rulings and want to watch xQc, Nightblue3, Mendo, and GrandPooBear, you can still catch their latest videos on their respective YouTube channels.

Since Twitch Rivals is a popular tournament that attracts huge audiences and promises tons of prizes, Twitch takes the sanctity of fair play very seriously. Plus, these restrictions against the players might not mark the end of their punishments. Twitch clearly stated, "We reserve the right to impose any additional penalties at our sole discretion," so don't be shocked if they are further penalized. Only time will tell if other participants cheated and will share in their fate.


