Nintendo Revives The Power Line To Celebrate NES Classic Edition's Launch

The NES Classic is set to launch on November 11, 2016, and Nintendo is celebrating by bringing back the Power Line.

A hotline that gamers could call to receive tips and tricks for Nintendo games, the Power Line is making a one-weekend return according to Kotaku, who report that Nintendo plans to make it available from November 11-13. Don't expect to speak to any real game counselors, though—all we're getting are automated messages featuring tips for games and behind-the-scenes stories from original counselors. With the service being automated, at least we won't have to worry about any well-meaning Nintendo employees being trolled.


The NES Classic itself will cost $60 and be able to play 30 classic NES games, including Ghosts 'N Goblins, Kid Icarus, Metroid, Ninja Gaiden, and the original Final Fantasy. Check it out when it's launched in a few days, and be sure to call (425) 885-7529 to see what the Power Line is all about. (We still think getting rid of the Power Line in the first place could be counted among Nintendo's biggest mistakes.)

