Here's Why Capcom Is Trending On Twitter

Capcom is currently trending on Twitter, and it isn't because of the mixed reception of the Monster Hunter movie. The video game publisher earned its time in the spotlight after Capcom Europe posted a link to its new guidelines for sharing videos of its content online.


In the new video policy, Capcom stated that it will allow videos with commentary such as walkthroughs and reviews, as long as no game footage is shared without these elements. The guidelines also cover non-commercial use and posting leaked content, as well as the prohibition of fan-made creations that may be deemed offensive or inappropriate.

While some commenters saw these rules as perfectly reasonable, portions of the policy left others confused. For example, Capcom flat-out restricted the use of copyrighted images for Twitch emotes, which led one user on Twitter to question whether this included fanart. Another section stated that videos cannot contain images from official publications by the company, including comics, art books, and strategy guides, although it does allow such printed content to be used in unboxing videos — provided that the video does not show the images within the published work.


These new guidelines not only have gamers on Twitter scratching their heads, but also boldly posting some pretty cheeky responses. Multiple users shared footage from Resident Evil 4 and basically dared Capcom to go after them, while others questioned just what Capcom would consider "offensive."

One user questioned the policy of not being able to use Capcom published images in their videos. Another area of confusion was whether these guidelines applied only to fan-made videos, or to other mediums as well. One poster asked whether these rules applied to other platforms like Twitter, and whether or not concept photos might be uploaded to the site.

It's not surprising that so many people are requesting clarification in response to Capcom's new guidelines, considering the fear that fan-made content creators are experiencing due to recent actions taken by big companies thanks to the DMCA. Corporations have been cracking down on Twitch accounts in particular for creators using copyrighted music, with many cases resulting in bans from the site. And since Twitter recently took action against streamer xQc for posting questionable footage on the social media platform, it looks like other Twitter users want to make sure that they won't be next.


