The 5-Year-Old Who Is Better At Valorant Than You

The world of Valorant has a new hero. In a clip shared by the official Valorant News Twitter account, a 5-year-old gamer (who has since been identified as using the handle "Foopa") can be seen emerging victorious from a tense 1v4 skirmish.


While his team was wiped out early into the round, the clip shows this young prodigy taking the situation in stride. In the clip, he can be seen calmly and methodically easing his way through the Icebox map and taking out his enemies from a distance. Upon securing a victory for his team, the player excitedly calls for his dad and hops out of his chair. It's a wholesome moment, made all the better by a caption from Valorant News: "This 5 year old is already better at #VALORANT than most of us."

After this video of the young gamer was shared on Reddit, the player's proud dad popped into the comments section to brag about his talented kid. According to Reddit user SupaSnipaX, his son has been playing video games "for as long as he could hold a controller[.]" He added, "He loves all games; but has fallen in love with Valorant now." The father also mentioned that he has been coaching his son on how to develop his gaming skills and that "he is an excellent listener and [has] incredible game sense." 


SupaSnipaX also mentioned that the young gamer loves when people watch his gameplay videos and he gets a kick out of reading people's comments about his prowess in Valorant. In other words, now would be a great time to go check out the video of Foopa laying waste to his enemies and leave him an encouraging comment. After all, he could be a gaming star in the making.

Some of the biggest esports stars of all time have started at a young age, so it wouldn't be too much of a surprise to see someone like Foopa here trying their hand at the big leagues. Of course, plenty of younger gamers have also landed themselves in hot water because of their age. Last year, 9-year-old Fortnite streamer Zenon was banned from competitive Fortnite for a whopping 1,459 days after playing a few rounds of Arena Mode (which requires players to be at least 13 years of age). Meanwhile, eyebrows were raised in 2020 when esports group Team 33 signed 8-year-old "33 Gosu" to its roster.

