We Finally Know Which Game Has The Most Cheaters

Cheating has been around since the dawn of competitive activities. If there is a contest that produces a winner and a loser, you can safely assume that someone has cheated in it at some point. Video games are no different in this area, as some players are willing to do whatever it takes to savor the sweet, sweet taste of victory. A recent study tried to figure out which game had the most cheating, and as it turns out, one stood out to a rather shocking degree.


According to SurfsharkFortnite is "the Most-Cheated Game on the Web." The study looked at YouTube views related to cheating in various games, and Fortnite was multitudes ahead of all the others, nearly tripling the number of view garnered by the game in second place. Fortnite players were apparently very interested in watching videos about aimbots — applications that can help you automatically lock on to targets in the game. They also had a lot of interest in videos related to wallhacks, which are hacks that let you see through, shoot through, or even travel through walls.

Now, some of you may take issue with Surfshark's methodology here, and that is certainly understandable. YouTube views aren't wholly indicative of how many cheaters there are in a game. It would be difficult to assume every video play comes from someone who wants to use a hack. What it does show, however, is that the interest around cheating in Fortnite far surpasses that of every other multiplayer game studied. Whether they want to see how others are cheating or they want to cheat themselves, a lot of Fortnite players are at least curious about how these exploits work in action.


In case you were wondering, the study also revealed that games like Overwatch and Counter-Strike: GO have this issue, too. You can tack Call of Duty: Warzone and Modern Warfare onto this list, as well as titles like Destiny 2ValorantDoom Eternal, and Apex Legends. All of these games have a competitive multiplayer component, so it shouldn't come as a big surprise that players would be interested in watching videos about cheating in them. When it comes to which has the most cheating-related views, though, Fortnite blows all these other titles out of the water.

It'll be interesting to see if Epic Games has anything to stay about this study. For now, you might want hang out in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, the game that — surprisingly — was at the bottom of the list.

