Monster Hunter Rise Won't Be A Switch Exclusive After All

Thought you'd miss out on Monster Hunter Rise without a Nintendo Switch? Think again! According to IGN, Capcom confirmed that a PC version of the game is in development, slated for an early 2022 release. So, while PC gamers won't be able to access the game on March 26, 2021 like their Switch counterparts, they'll still have the chance to play on their platform of choice eventually.


Producer Ryozo Tsujimoto gave some insider info to IGN Japan, making it clear that the decision was inspired by the hopes of players, particularly those from outside of the country. "We received a lot of requests for a PC version of Monster Hunter Rise, particularly from overseas players, and so we have decided to develop a version for PC, which we aim to release in early 2022," Tsujimoto shared. "This is still under development, so I'd like to share more detailed information when the time is right."

It seems the team behind Monster Hunter Rise has prioritized accessibility and taken fan reactions into account throughout the development process. "Over the course of development, as we saw how World was doing, we basically got the request to make all of the environments open like in World. So it wasn't something that we planned from the start, but it's something that we are definitely happy we did," Tsujimoto told The Verge in a separate interview. PC gamers can likely expect their own concerns to factor into the port.


Tsujimoto also expressed the goal of making the game more accessible to possibly win back players who didn't play Monster Hunter World. "We think that by releasing this on a portable console we've made it a lot more accessible, a lot more easy to pick up and play," he added. The addition of a PC version will extend Monster Hunter Rise's reach to even more players.

If you've explored all that Monster Hunter World has to offer and are impatiently counting down the days until your next Monster Hunter fix, here are some RPG recommendations to tide you over until March 26.

