Creepiest Pokedex Entries From Pokemon Sun And Moon

The world of Pokémon has gotten bigger thanks to all of the new additions in Pokémon Sun and Moon, so chances are you'll easily find a new Pokémon to become your favorite. You might notice that for every new Pokémon you catch, the Pokédex gets filled and you're able to read its entry. This is all par for the course of a Pokémon game, but you also might start to notice that quite a few of these entries are a bit disturbing. With that in mind, we've brought you some of the new 'Dex entries that kind of creep us out—a lot.



Meet the Araquanid. This guy is a bug/water type that's clearly some kind of water-treading spider. Its Pokédex entry reads, "It delivers headbutts with the water bubble on its head. Small Pokémon get sucked into the bubble, where they drown." Wow—that escalated very quickly. That means that if you see one of these guys skittering around, chances are you'll find the half-eaten remains of a cuddly little Plusle or Minun just floating around its head. Considering that children as young as 10 are allowed to go off on Poké-adventures in this world, that's a very disturbing thought. Hope you like the prospect of adventure, growth, making friends, and then suffering irreversible trauma, Timmy!



One of the more recognizable new Pokémon is the Mimikyu, a creature that survives in darkness but is very lonely. Its entry from the Pokémon Sun Pokédex reads "Its actual appearance is unknown. A scholar who saw what was under its rag was overwhelmed by terror and died from the shock." We can only imagine what kind of eldritch nightmare exists under that cute Pikachu disguise. Is it tentacled? Does it have fangs? Does it just appear as a swirling void of all your regrets and failures, ready to swallow you whole and steal your soul? Whatever lies under that cloth, you can bet it's terrifying. The worst part is that this thing actively wants to befriend you. So yeah, good luck with that venture. Just pretend there's no elder god brewing hate and enmity beneath the rags.



Let us introduce you to the ghost/ground Pokémon Sandygast and its evolution, Palossand. Doesn't Sandygast look all cute with that shovel dug into its head? What if we told you that the Pokémon Database says it's born from hate and grudges of creatures that have fallen into the sand and that it uses its power to "manipulate children into gathering sand to increase the size of its body"? So it tricks children into being eaten by it. OK then. Palossand, however, is just as creepy because it's an even bigger version of Sanygast. Its 'Dex entry from Moon reads, "Buried beneath the castle are masses of dried-up bones from those whose vitality it has drained." Well, we're never going to the beach again.



Salandit, at first glance, might not seem all that disturbing. Other than the fact that it's a poisonous lizard that can breathe fire and has a permanent "I'm up to something naughty" grin on its face, there's really not much else to say about it. The Pokémon Database tells us that the females of this species can also emit "pheromones that attract males of all species, including Pokémon and humans." Now that is super creepy. This Pokémon can basically bend you to its will thanks to the smells that it secretes. Creepier still is that it's totally possible for a human male to fawn over this thing because of its pheromones. Now we know why the poison of the female's evolved form, the Salazzle, is used to make perfumes. Bend those men to your will, ladies!



Sure, you can poke fun at its name and its wimpy appearance, but the Wishiwashi is anything but a pushover. If it feels threatened, it'll call its buddies and sort of Voltron up into a terrifying mass of fish. The Pokédex for Moon says, "It's awfully weak and notably tasty, so everyone is always out to get it. As it happens, anyone trying to bully it receives a painful lesson." This entry has two implications, one of which suggests that people eat Pokémon, and then another that suggests the Wishiwashi's school form will destroy you. Honestly, we're not feeling too good about either, so we're just going to go ahead and avoid the water.



Toxapex is known as the "Brutal Star Pokémon" for good reason. Not only is its poison potent enough to leave you in mind-searing pain for three whole days, but it also "leaves a trail of Corsola bits scattered in its wake," according to the Pokédex. We apologize if you're a fan of the cute little Corsola, because this thing is totally fine with chucking the uneaten remnants of the creature behind it. This is a trail that you wouldn't want to follow, because the reward at the end is a one-way trip to the hospital or death.



There's no getting around it: Shiinotic looks like one of the goofiest Pokémon to ever grace a Pokédex. It's basically a large, sentient mushroom with a goofy face and puffy pants. But beneath that "smiley face sticker" expression lies the heart of a cold, unfeeling killer. According to its Pokédex entry from Sun, "Forests where Shiinotic live are treacherous to enter at night. People confused by its strange lights can never find their way home again." To make it worse, its entry from Moon tells us that it uses its spores to cause drowsiness and sucks the energy out of its prey when they fall asleep. Go ahead—stare deeply into those eyes and tell us you don't feel fear.



One glance at Bruxish and it's easy to tell why it's been nicknamed the "Gnash Teeth Pokémon." Besides having a face that looks wholly untrustworthy, Bruxish also sports a protuberance on its head that emits its psychic power. The Pokédex entry for Moon says, "It stuns its prey with psychokinesis and then grinds them to mush with its strong teeth. Even Shellder's shell is no match for it." So just imagine receiving a nasty headache from this thing that disables you and then you wake up a few minutes later to find the Bruxish gnawing you to death with its teeth. Again, another reason to steer clear of the beaches and oceans.



We're beginning to notice a trend of Pokémon capable of ending human lives or otherwise spiriting them away. One example of this is Trevenant, a ghost/grass-type hybrid that can be just as mean as it looks. If you stare into that cycloptic eye, you might just be looking at your own death. According to its Pokédex entry from Moon, "A deadly curse falls upon anyone cutting down trees in forests where Trevenant dwell." This curse likely comes in the form of being eaten alive by a tree Pokémon. We're glad it's a friend to the forest and is one of the strongest proponents for conservation, but we can't help but wonder how many people have been eaten by these trees.



This Pokémon looks like the sentient head of one of Goku's fallen enemies, brought to life and filled with malice—or should we say "mal-ice?" Its Pokédex entries from Sun and Moon suggest the Pokémon was born from a boulder that absorbed the "distress and regrets of a stranded mountaineer," and that it freezes creatures before eating them in a frozen state. There seem to be a lot of Pokémon born from the negative emotions of human beings, eh? And as its appearance might tell you, it's not a very friendly creature. We wonder what other Pokémon were created through someone being unhappy, angry, disappointed or just plain sad. It makes us uncomfortable to think of how many Pokémon were born through negative emotions...and now we're nervous that our discomfort might have given rise to a creature that can sap the life out of unlucky Trainers. Yay.


