Game Secrets You Were Never Supposed To Discover

As long as developers have made video games, they've hidden secret Easter eggs in them for their own entertainment, or as a practical joke. Sometimes, features in a game may be scrapped before the title hits the shelves, and unfinished content is left inside for anyone smart enough to find it. While some of these secrets were definitely meant to be discovered, there are just as many gaming Easter eggs that the devs never intended to be found. Lucky for us, some seriously smart players over the years have managed to uncover them anyway. Here are some of our favorite video game secrets.


The secret treasure trove in Fallout 4

In the PC version of Fallout 4, you can access a secret dev room that houses every item in the game. We hope you've got a lot of strength and a mule or two, because you're going to leave with your hands full. To access the room, press the "~" key to bring up the console and enter the code "COC QASMOKE." Inside, there are footlockers, cooking stations, crafting stations, a terminal, and enough rows of power armor suits to make Iron Man jealous. We recommend loading up on everything you can while strapping on the X-01 power armor, the best in the game. You might look like a hoarder, but no one will say anything when you're rocking that power armor.


The mysterious dam in Shadow of the Colossus

Shadow of the Colossus is a cult classic that won our hearts. But developers cut a few things from the PS2 action-adventure and left them in the coding, making them bona fide video game secrets you were never meant to find. One is a huge dam that some intrepid hackers found. The structure is immense and looks pretty complete, but the dam might have been meant to house a colossus or maybe lead to an area occupied by one. Explore more of the dam in Nomad's Blog.


All Bonds mode in Goldeneye

As if this classic N64 game wasn't awesome enough, apparently there was another mode built in that was disabled by the developers, despite most of the assets being in place. If the team at Rare Games hadn't run into some licensing difficulties, you might have been able to play as other classic Bond actors besides Pierce Brosnan. That's right, the original version of Goldeneye came with models and textures for Sean Connery, Roger Moore, and Timothy Dalton.


This "All Bonds" mode would allow you to choose one of the alternate actors when playing the bonus Egypt and Aztec levels, and you could even go head-to-head in multiplayer mode. When word came down that the additional Bonds had to be scrapped, the development team held one final massive deathmatch, which lasted a grueling three hours. Today, you can check out some of the assets for the additional Bonds using special GameShark codes, or there are a few videos floating around of players who successfully managed to recreate the "All Bonds" effect by mapping the textures onto other player models.

South Park pilot episode in Tiger Woods 99 PGA Tour

In a standard golfing game which was only notable because it was the first endorsed by Tiger Woods, a hidden file that started as a developer's joke ended up creating a furor so large it actually got the game pulled from the shelves in a mass recall. On the PlayStation 2 version of the 99 PGA Tour, a developer filled out the extra space on the disc with a "dummy" file. But instead of what should have been empty space contained a five-minute video of the South Park pilot episode, "Jesus vs. Santa."


While you couldn't view the episode in your PlayStation, sticking the disc in a PC and using File Explorer to open the video would allow you to watch the entire pilot in it all its vulgar glory. Naturally, this caused an uproar among the parents who had purchased the child-friendly title, so EA recalled the game, replacing it with a version that had the dummy file removed.

The hidden mountain observatory in BioShock Infinite

BioShock Infinite plays with the concepts of alternate realities and different timelines. While we're able to explore different versions of the floating city of Columbia, there's one area in the game we weren't meant to explore. Towards the end of the adventure, when Elizabeth comes to understand her powers, we're led to an area with a lot of lighthouses in an endless ocean. It's a trippy sight, but if you're on a PC and able to turn off the clipping, you can fly through the ocean and land in mountainous terrain. There are snowy cliffs and a bridge that leads to an observatory, and the area looks straight out of Skyrim (which just gave us an idea for an awesome franchise mashup). When you explore the observatory, all you'll find is a purple door. But when you open that door, you'll fall into an infinite abyss and get lost in the ether.


The unused worlds in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

Few games are as magical but headache-inducing as Kingdom Hearts. Aside from the convoluted narrative, the games are beloved for their amazing visuals and for letting us explore our favorite Disney and Square Enix worlds. A few of these worlds were cut from Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, but not before basic versions had already been created. Take a look at the unfinished Jungle Book world in the video above. While there aren't many backgrounds, there are lots of structures and terrains. One of the coolest inclusions is King Louie's temple, complete with his throne. The area looks like it could have been used for a boss battle, which doesn't seem too far off: Louie kidnapped Mowgli in the movie.


Adult minigame in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

This is one of the most infamous video game secrets of all time. While the Grand Theft Auto franchise is designed for older teens and adults, some players got more than they bargained for when a built-in minigame was discovered. While you probably remember the dating missions your character can accept in order to increase his popularity with a girlfriend, the standard version of San Andreas never really shows us the payoff for all that work.


However, with the "Hot Coffee" mod—accessed by changing a single variable in the game's code on PC, or with a modding tool for your console—players get a graphic look into the bedroom habits of your character and his girlfriend. After a successful date, your girlfriend will invite you in for some coffee, at which point you're treated to a minigame while the two have sex. During the minigame, you have to control your character's rhythm and even change sexual positions to fill up the "excitement" bar, like some bizarre X-rated version of Guitar Hero.

Naturally, parents and ratings boards freaked out when they learned of the minigame, which caused the ESRB to re-rate San Andreas "Adults Only." The developers recalled the game and issued a new version which removed all the content from the minigame, and also created a patch to disable it in PC versions. That wasn't enough to completely save them from the fallout, however, and Take Two ended up paying out over a million dollars in class-action lawsuits and other civil suits related to the mod. Today, the game is a collector's item, and a new sealed copy of the original "Hot Coffee" capable San Andreas can sell for well over $100.


Real lightsaber battles in Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

This game is already pretty badass, and even made it to #10 on our list of the top Star Wars games. But what if we told you there was an easy way to make it even better? One thing many gamers have complained about over the years when it comes to Star Wars games is the lack of realism in lightsaber battles. It's a fricking laser sword, so why can't you cut off anyone's head with it? Well, the developers of Jedi Academy heard those pleas, and built dismemberment into their game. Apparently the publishers may have felt that the option was a little too graphic to be enabled by default, so if you want to start cutting off legs and arms, you'll have to enter a few console commands first.


After you've entered the right commands, you can go crazy dismembering enemies—but don't start hacking around willy-nilly. Remember your defensive game, because this tweak means that your character can be dismembered too. Also, it should be noted that this mod reportedly does not work on the Steam version of Jedi Academy, so you'll want to find an original version of the game.

Minus World in Super Mario Bros.

As you probably know, as you adventure through Super Mario Bros., each level is numbered according to the world you're in: 1-1, 2-1, etc. But did you know there's actually a "Minus World?" That's right, if you know the right trick you can reach a world that's simply numbered -1, which is how it got its nickname among players. There are multiple methods for getting to Minus World, which vary depending on which platform you're using.


The payoff is also quite different between NES and Famicom. On an NES, you'll get a level that looks identical to underwater world 7-2, but the level can't be finished, as the final pipe will simply send you back to the start of the level (until you eventually use up all your lives.)

If you have a Famicom version of the game and exploit this glitch, you'll get a bizarro version of world 1-3, where you swim through the air while dodging floating Princesses, headless Bowsers, and more. Even better, when you complete -1 world on Famicom, you'll go on to -2 world and even -3 world, which is filled with enemies you can stomp for 1000 points each. Once you complete -3 world, you'll return to the game's title screen. Start it up again, and you'll have entered hard mode Super Mario Bros.—with all the goombas replaced by buzzy beetles.


Equipment room in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Have you been lusting after a particularly rare piece of armor or weaponry in Skyrim, but have just never been able to get it? Do you own the PC version of Skyrim? If the answer to both of these questions is yes, then we have a video game secret just for you. If you know how to use console commands, you can use this secret command to teleport to a secret underground developer's room which is completely inaccessible through any other means. Within this room, you'll find chests full of literally every item in the game, from weapons to wooden spoons. Stock up on what you need, and use another console command to teleport to Whiterun (or elsewhere) and continue your quest.


Fair warning: You'll want to have a pretty powerful rig before you attempt to open any of the item chests within this room, especially the enchanted items chest. There are literally so many different items available that simply loading the loot list will be enough to crash the game on lesser computers.

MissingNo. in Pokemon Red and Blue

MissingNo. is the "hidden" Pokemon that players can find in Pokemon Red and Blue. You can obtain it through a number of glitches in the game–one being the infamous "old man" glitch. First, talk to the old man north of Viridian City and get him to show you how to catch a Pokemon. After the demonstration, fly to Cinnabar Island and use surf to travel up and down the eastern coast. You'll encounter a number of Pokemon, with a chance to find MissingNo. Because it's a glitched Pokemon, your game experience could get wonky. But weird pixels and strange item duplications are a small price to pay for MissingNo.


Unfinished demo world in Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae

Before Final Fantasy XV officially hit the shelves at the end of November 2016, Square Enix made a large playable demo (titled Episode Duscae) available via an exclusive download code in 2015. Like many playable demos, Duscae was built in the incomplete world of the final game, with a glowing blue barrier which hems you into the demo area.


Not long after the demo was released, players were already figuring out how to break through that barrier via an in-game exploit. By traveling to the edge of the barrier along a highway, you can throw yourself in front of any passing car and let the vehicle toss you through the invisible barrier. Once you're through, there's quite a bit of unfinished world to explore—including a gigantic dinosaur and even a epic Titan. A word of warning, however: don't camp or do anything that would auto-save your game while you're on the other side of the barrier, otherwise it'll corrupt your entire save file.

Nightmare sequence in Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds

In this "Junior Adventure" for ages 3-8, you play as Freddi, a plucky little yellow fish. Freddi's ever-present buddy Luther also comes along for the adventure as you chase down the thieves who stole all the kelp seeds, which apparently are the only source of food for Freddi and her friends. At one point Freddi and Luther encounter Eddie the Eel, who blocks their path. Some intrepid code-tinkerers found that if you change a specific variable to one of the game's initialization files, this encounter becomes 10 times more sinister.


With the modification in place, clicking on Luther during your meeting with Eddie causes Freddi to grab her little green buddy and offer him up as a sacrifice to Eddie—who eagerly accepts, gobbling down Luther and smacking his lips in satisfaction. Only at the end of the cutscene is it revealed the whole thing was just Freddi's dark fantasy, when Luther (alive again) asks, "Whatcha thinking about, Freddi?" While the animation—complete with blood and guts—was obviously never intended to be seen by tiny human eyes, it's interesting to note that the voice acting for this gory scene was completed, and even translated to all the other languages Freddi was available in.

Lord of the Pies in Dragon Age: Inquisition

In Dragon Age: Inquisition, BioWare delivered a visually stunning game with an engaging story. But like most things in life, there's usually a downside to go along with the good stuff—and for Dragon Age, the downside was the numerous bugs and technical issues players encountered with the game. Thankfully, the developers were aware of some of these problems before the game hit the shelves, and they had a sense of humor about them.


One particularly cheeky game artist took the time to leave an Easter egg for players beneath the castle of Skyhold, where you sometimes would find yourself after inexplicably falling through the floor. If you take the time to explore around the area, you might spot a huge pie, smiling cheekily and wearing a top hat. Artist Graham Kelly explained that this is not just any pie, but the "Lord of the Pies," and he also confirmed that he "may or may not have hidden some of his smaller flock around the rest of Skyhold."

Developer test level in Sonic Adventure 2

When Sonic Adventure 2: Battle first came out for GameCube, fans soon discovered that you could access a secret developer test level by using the correct code on an Action Replay device. When the game was ported to PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2012, for some reason the designers never bothered to remove the secret level—probably because it's actually pretty cool. While the method of entry is now a little bit harder than simply entering a code, it's a fun little area to visit and play around with the physics of Sonic.


The unused rooms at the Honey Bee Inn in Final Fantasy VII

The Honey Bee Inn sequence from Final Fantasy VII is famous for showing us Cloud Strife as a young woman. This establishment in the Wall Market of the Sector 6 Slums is a building where lonely men seek companionship from ladies in bee costumes. Go figure. While we can only access a few rooms, there are a few areas that were only accessible in the original Japanese release. Among the hidden areas are an employee room, waiting room, and lobby. These rooms even feature characters that had completed dialogue, but are never seen in the main game. Maybe it's for the best that young gamers weren't allowed to explore a brothel.


The Netherspace of Karazhan in World of Warcraft

For over a decade, intrepid World of Warcraft players have been finding ways to exploit the sometimes buggy walls and ceilings of the Karazhan raid instance in order to slip outside the castle and explore a true video game secret: an unfinished zone, known as Netherspace. Over the years, the method for entering this area has evolved as Blizzard has fixed/patched old exploits, but once the cat was out of the bag, players have continued to find new ways into the area.


Once you're outside of Karazhan, there's a lot of cool stuff to explore left there by bored developers, like a smiley face on the ground under the main castle tower. Next, take a trip up to the neighboring Ogre village, you can actually glitch walk through a hill and find yourself in Netherspace: a featureless gray expanse, which is very disorienting at first. If you're a Demon Hunter, or if you have an item like Aviana's Feather, Rocket Boots, or Goblin Glider, you can use it to fly up to the floating shattered rock platforms in the sky, or you can use this cool bug to simply walk up the wall of Netherspace and jump onto the balcony which holds Karazhan's final boss: Prince Malchezaar. For anyone who has suffered through the agonizing "Chess" event in Karazhan, the ability to skip right to the last boss is an awesome relief.


