Haunted Space - What We Know So Far

For those who like a little horror in their sci-fi, Haunted Space, a new action-adventure game from Merge Games and Italian Games Factory, will wet even some of the pickiest whistles. Haunted Space promises futuristic space combat with horror elements, all on top of a detailed narrative.


Science fiction and horror have a long and beautiful relationship with each other, as seen in films such as fan favorite Alien, but the size and scope of sci-fi horror can be difficult to undertake in video games. Titles about space, like No Man's Sky, often take time to get right. No Man's Sky only earned the respect of its audience years after its initial release. Horror games appear to pop up more frequently, but sometimes lack the social commentary science fiction brings to the table.

Haunted Space aims to combine horror and science fiction into one neat package. Players will be able to choose from a variety of side quests as they explore the galaxy, discover new types of energy, and traverse the dangerous roads of space. If that sounds like the kind of experience you've been waiting for, here are some key details about this upcoming release.


What is the Haunted Space release date?

At the end of the Haunted Space premiere at The Future Games Show Spring Showcase, the hosts said that it would be "coming to PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S sometime in the future." Considering the clip didn't show much gameplay footage and the fact that it won't release for PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, fans might be waiting a while before Haunted Space is ready for release. 


Steam simply lists Haunted Space as "coming soon," offering no hint as to when it will be available for purchase. What we do know is that publisher Merge Games has a number of shipped projects under its belt. You can rest assured that Haunted Space will come out when it has met Merge Games' quality standards. While some don't like an "it'll be out when it's ready" mentality, the consequences of Cyberpunk 2077's premature launch may help even the most enthusiastic sci-fi horror fans find some extra patience.

Does Haunted Space have a trailer?

Even though gamers don't have a release date to look forward to, they do have a trailer to analyze. And what a gorgeous trailer it is.

Haunted Space's cinematic announcement trailer premiered at the GamesRadar+ Future Games Show Spring 2021 Showcase, wowing viewers with its detailed graphics and eerie premise. Though it's only one minute long, the video packs a lot of information into a small package.


The trailer begins with a voiceover explaining the setting of the game: the second human empire. Sonic matter, a recently discovered energy source, threatens to change everything. Humans decided to build a station near the sonic matter in order to more effectively harvest it. After settling into the new facility, the narrator explains, "it wasn't long before they discovered they were not alone." Paired with images of strange creatures flying by space stations, viewers can infer who "they" are: aliens, or some type of space creature yet unknown.

The rest of the trailer shows how Haunted Space will utilize space combat in-game, showing both first-person and third-person views.

What will Haunted Space's gameplay be like?

There's not a clear picture of what Haunted Space's gameplay will be like, but attention-oriented fans can get an idea from its Steam description and official website.

Steam describes Haunted Space as a "story-rich adventure based on exploration, fast-paced dogfighting, trading and ship crafting, with customisable flight simulation and intense multi-stage boss battles." The official Haunted Space website identifies these boss battles as run-ins with the Colossi, huge, supernatural creatures made of both living tissue and space junk. Frightening stuff, indeed.


Haunted Space will feature customizable gameplay with an "innovative co-pilot system [that] allows you to choose the level of control you prefer, from a complete space simulation, through to a more arcade style experience." The co-pilot system will also feature settings for blind and visually impaired players, making the game more accessible. Players can also choose what perspective to play Haunted Space in, even switching when convenient. Customization is key in this space horror game.

While gamers will have to wait for more information on Haunted Space, there's plenty to be excited for right now, especially that sweet guitar jam in the trailer.

