Total War: Warhammer's Upcoming Battle Map Editor Has The Strangest Name

Leave it to an intense war game to give us a good chuckle.

Total War: Warhammer, the tenth installment in the hit series, is set to receive an in-game enhancement before the end of February. Players will be able to utilize the all-new Battle Map Editor, but may find the name funny and even a little strange. For some yet-unknown reason, the forthcoming tool is called "Terry."


Though it has a very human title, the Total War: Warhammer Battle Map Editor looks to include some pretty interesting and useful abilities. Available through Steam for beta testing, anyone with a Windows 10 operating system can take Terry for a spin. (Both Windows 7 and Windows 8-compatible builds will be available in the future post-beta.) Developer Creative Assembly offered a full rundown of the tool's functionalities and special features, including "land battle map editing for custom and multiplayer battle"; a complete "suite of environment models, props, SFX and VFX for map creation"; and map transfer availability in multiplayer mode, able to be downloaded automatically "without the need to subscribe on the workshop."


The Terry Battle Map Editor clearly boasts a ton of cool qualities, but one thing it's missing is the ability for players to create custom campaigns; as Creative Assembly noted, "Unfortunately we can't release a Campaign Map Editing tool for Total War: Warhammer." The developer went on to explain why this particular editor isn't a current possibility, stating that though it's theoretically possible to create it, it wouldn't benefit the "development process, would take [them] a long time and delay the next Total War releasing." Neither Creative Assembly nor Sega have commented on whether this feature may be available in the future, but it's a safe bet to assume players might have to do without it.

Creative Assembly may have given the Total War: Warhammer's Battle Map Editor a silly name, but this year looks to be a serious one for the developer, as it also has its hands on Halo Wars 2, one of 2017's most anticipated game releases.

