Warzone May Be Making Some Long-Awaited Changes

"Call of Duty" is one of the biggest game franchises out there, but that doesn't mean that devs have to stop working on it. "Warzone" developers have recently distributed an accessibility survey, which aims to make the online battle royale game a more enjoyable experience for all players.


"Warzone" has already made some much-needed accessibility changes, like adding mono audio options for those with hearing disabilities. The developers are currently exploring other suggestions, like visual hearing options and toggles for lessening distracting glare. The Raven Software Twitter account noted that Raven wants players to "feel comfortable" while playing "Warzone," and that addressing accessibility helps to make the experience better for everyone. 

Game companies began considering disabled gamers years ago as part of an ongoing rise in cultural awareness of equality and the treatment of those with disabilities. Sony made its adaptive trigger buttons optional, giving players the ability to turn off the potentially dangerous feature. Bethesda's Todd Howard even stated that the future of gaming is rooted in accessibility, and that companies should work to better include disabled demographics. 


Features like visible hearing might incite a response from "Warzone" gamers, though, as it could provide some players with a perceived advantage. Then again, if accessibility features are available to all players, the playing field should be level enough.

Fan reactions to "Warzone" accessibility varied

Unsurprisingly, not everyone chimed in with helpful comments to Raven's survey. In fact, many fans flocked to Raven Software's tweet thread in an attempt to get back old features from "Warzone" that had absolutely nothing to do with accessibility. One gamer requested that "Warzone" increase its server speed, while another begged the developers to crack down on cheaters. Some players just wanted to see weapons balanced better.


"Warzone" is following in the footsteps of other big name games like "The Last of Us 2," which wowed critics with its expansive accessibility and difficulty options. Providing options to all players not only works to include an often overlooked population, but also provides more options for players across the board. Gaming such as Xbox's Adaptive Controller also provide new opportunities for everyone to game more successfully.

One of the fun aspects of online games like "Warzone" is their ability to change as the needs of gamers evolve over time. With a solid player base and high investment from its fans, "Warzone" seems set to keep players happy for quite a while.

