Apocalypse Now: The Game Ditches Kickstarter

Apocalypse Now, the official video game adaptation of Francis Ford Coppola's trippy Vietnam drama, received tons of attention when the project first appeared on Kickstarter, but apparently, lots of press doesn't necessarily lead to crowdfunding success. With just eight days left in the Kickstarter campaign and over $725,000—about 80% of the game's $900,000 target—left to raise, American Zoetrope has decided to move the Apocalypse Now crowdfunding campaign to its own site—and raised the asking price to $5 million in the process.


As a post by Montgomery Markland explains, "The new platform will serve as a rallying point for the community and represents the team's long-term commitment to both funding the project and sharing details of the development process." Unlike Kickstarter, the new site doesn't have a built-in time limit, giving American Zeotrope as much time as it needs to reach the game's funding goal.

Apocalypse Now's new crowdfunding campaign contains three reward tiers: $25 gets you a basic copy of the game (which it looks like will retail for $60 at launch), $95 adds access to Apocalypse Now's alpha and beta tests and includes a handful of digital bonuses, and $500 will net you a physical copy of the game, a special edition artbook, and physical replicas of Apocalypse Now's military maps. Fans who previously pledged to the Kickstarter campaign can receive a free "tier upgrade" by forwarding their Kickstarter confirmation emails to Apocalypse Now's development team.


The official website says that Apocalypse Now: The Game will be "Fallout: New Vegas on acid," and promises that the game will stay true to the spirit of Coppola's film. "This game is not Call of Duty: Vietnam," the website says. "You will sneak. You will hide. You will gather resources. You will build your character. You will kill when necessary."

Apocalypse Now: The Game is currently scheduled for a 2020 release. With any luck, producing the game will be a lot easier than filming the movie, which was plagued by problems during its gruelling year-long shoot, including a change to the lead actor right in the middle of shooting.

