Why Lady Dimitrescu's Real Life Model Hasn't Played Resident Evil

Since the release of the super creepy "Resident Evil Village," the cast of models and actors from Capcom's survival-horror gem have gone on to become even bigger names in the gaming world. Many of the game's stars — quite a few of whom are drop-dead gorgeous — have fully embraced their newfound "Resident Evil" fame, cosplaying as their own characters, streaming "Village" for fans, and doing interviews about their experiences working on the game.


Arguably, the break-out star of "Village" is Helena Mankowska — the real life face model for Lady Dimitrescu, the game's big, bad vampire babe. However, the actress/model — who also cosplayed as her character — dropped a bombshell in a recent Dexerto interview: until recently (more on that in a bit), she had never played a "Resident Evil" game before in her life.

Speaking with Dexerto, Mankowska admitted that, while she'd played "old school games like 'Super Mario Bros,'" she's always been terrified of horror games. Quite ironic, considering how iconic her "Resident Evil Village" character has become.

Mankowska also addressed her newfound fandom in the interview, admitting that she's "still processing it." She elaborated, "It's such a blessing to be welcomed as part of a new family. The community is so talented, but not just in drawing, with writing, painting, musicians, directors — I get so many new messages from people every single day. And this, this is what matters the most."


Lady Dimitrescu's model finally played Village... once, at least

Although Helena Mankowska's fear of horror games has kept her away from titles like "Village" in the past, she has finally given the newest "Resident Evil" game a fair shot. On June 8, she posted an Instagram video of herself playing the game with her brother — and to say that it is adorable is an understatement. 


At one point, around the 12:00 mark, Mankowska sees a portrait on the wall of a church. Upon realizing that it's a portrait of Lady Dimitrescu, the actress exclaims, "I'm already here," slapping her knee and laughing. "Hello me," she says, pointing at the portrait. Her smile and laughter are infectious — quite the contrast to her villainous character.

Mankowska isn't the only "Resident Evil Village" cast member to become an overnight sensation, however. Coincidentally enough, Lady Dimitrescu's voice and mo-cap actress, Maggie Robertson, has also become something of a gaming icon. Aside from giving a ton of interviews, Robertson recently streamed a series of live signings/get-togethers with two of the actresses who portrayed Lady D's daughters, Bekka Prewitt and Nicole Tompkins. The streams are wholesome (and often hilarious) glimpses into the inner workings of the Dimitrescu family — without all the blood and flies, of course.


It's clear that both Lady Dimitrescu's model and performer have cemented themselves in the pantheon of beloved gaming figures — and fans likely can't wait to see (and hear) more of them in the future. Hopefully this whole positive experience has also managed to turn Mankowska around on horror gaming in general.

