Asmongold Slams Fan Over Stream Complaint

Asmongold slammed a viewer during his July 14 Twitch broadcast, lashing out at the individual in response to their complaints about his lengthy intros in a 30-second roast.

As seen in a clip from the stream, Asmongold spared no punches calling out the fan, though the jury's out on whether the viewer still counts themself as such. The fan apparently had an issue with how long it was taking for Asmongold to start playing a game, and called him out on the fact that he'd been streaming for two hours already. Asmongold read the viewer's comment before issuing a warning: "'Oh, another two hour intro?' Listen, I'm gonna be honest with you, okay? I'm gonna time you out for the whole day."


Asmongold continued to lay down the law of his channel, explaining that he didn't want to hear constant complaints from viewers. He went on to assert his right to stream what he wants, when he wants, how he wants: "I'm gonna talk about what I want to talk about. I'm gonna react to the videos that I want to react to. And then after that, I'm also gonna do what I want after that. You know why? Because it's my stream."

This clearly struck a nerve with Asmongold. After all, this wasn't the first time he's had to explain his streaming choices to his fanbase.

Asmongold's way or the highway

Asmongold made his way into the spotlight playing "World of Warcraft," but he has recently gained additional popularity playing other games like "Final Fantasy 14" and "Ashes of Creation," among many others. Of course, the fact that he's stepped back from "World of Warcraft" in recent months hasn't been all that popular with a vocal part of his fanbase. 


Luckily for his longtime viewers, he recently assured his fans via Twitter that his "WoW" are by no means coming to an end — he just truly enjoys trying out other games. Asmongold pointed out that he's always been more than happy to take "weeks and sometimes even months off" between "World of Warcraft" streams.

Ironically, it was just earlier this month that he got heated with fans who told him to quit "WoW" in the interest of getting more viewers. No matter what the advice is, clearly, Asmongold doesn't like being told what to do on his channel. While his gameplay methods have divided fans in the past, his popularity has stayed consistent — much like "World of Warcraft" itself, which is still worth playing in 2021.


