Mass Effect: Andromeda's Trial Goes Live One Day Early

The open-world RPG title Mass Effect: Andromeda is set for arrival on March 21, and players subscribed to EA/Origin Access who use Xbox One consoles or PCs can get their hands on the game March 16. However, PCGamesN reports that the Origin Access PC pre-launch trial will kick off today.


Evidence suggests that PC gamers who are also Origin Access subscribers can take Mass Effect: Andromeda out for a spin beginning March 15. No information has yet been confirmed about whether the ahead-of-schedule trial will also be available to Xbox One EA Access players.

While this is a nice bit of bonus goodness in the gaming world, it's not entirely unprecedented, especially not for EA. In the recent past, the company's FPS Battlefield 1 also unleashed its trial to an eager audience exactly one day earlier than originally announced. Sound familiar?

PC players with active subscriptions will be able to play a sizable 10 hours of Andromeda, including both campaign and multiplayer modes (though single-player is limited), starting now. If you're still on the fence about picking up the game or yourself, check out the weapons, gameplay elements, and raunchy themes Mass Effect: Andromeda has to offer.


