Star Wars: Battlefront II Trailer Unveiled
Prepare to fight for the galaxy.
EA has unveiled the official trailer for its upcoming sequel game, Star Wars: Battlefront II. The first look debuted at the annual Star Wars Celebration in Orlando during the Battlefront II panel. Representatives from Criterion, DICE, Lucasfilm, and Motive Studios ushered in the action-shooter game trailer, which features head-strong heroes and story elements spanning across "all eras" of the Star Wars canon.
The full reveal follows shortly after a leaked version surfaced online, and offers more information on Battlefront II gameplay and plot. EA's official trailer centers around the game's single-player campaign, which zeroes in on Iden Versio, an ace TIE Fighter pilot and Imperial commander who's bent on vengeance. Her target? The Rebellion. While on the forest moon Endor, Iden and her crew of First Order members witness the second Death Star get obliterated. When one trooper asks her what they do next, she answers, "We avenge our Emperor."
Lines like "Rebellion, you will burn these ideas away" and "Hope cannot save them" further emphasis the Empire's importance at the center of the campaign story. Additionally, the trailer places the usual "enemy" into the standard "good guy" role. The Jedi and beloved franchise characters like Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Yoda, and Leia Organa are shifted from their top-tier spots as heroes and replaced by the Empire. However, we're also shown glimpses of Rey from The Force Awakens and the upcoming The Last Jedi, so it's not completely dark and gloomy.
Take a look at the trailer in the video above, and check out the game's synopsis below:
"Live the untold Star Wars story of Iden, an elite Stormtrooper, in an original single-player story. Battle on land and in space in an expanded multiplayer experience with iconic heroes and villains, thrilling space battles, and a deep progression and customization system."
Star Wars: Battlefront II definitely looks at the Star Wars mythos through a grittier lens. And in comparison to the 2015 base game, there's a larger focus on battles, a much wider range of playable characters, and fresh story details as well.
Star Wars: Battlefront II will be released worldwide on November 17 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. While we wait to get our hands on the sequel title, pass the time by playing the best Star Wars games in history.