How This Spider-Man Perk Led To The Uncharted Movie

It turns out that working for Sony might just have a few perks to it. Tom Holland — star of "Spider-Man: No Way Home" star and the actor portraying Nathan Drake in the upcoming "Uncharted" movie — took to the stage at CES 2022 with Sony Pictures CEO Tom Rothman to talk about the future of entertainment during Sony's press conference. During the talk, Holland revealed how he first discovered the "Uncharted" series while filming "Spider-Man: Homecoming." At that time, Holland had not yet been cast as Nathan Drake and the "Uncharted" film adaptation was still having trouble getting off the ground.


"I hadn't discovered the games until I started making 'Spider-Man: Homecoming,'" Holland said. "One of the luxuries of making these films is that they're made by Sony, and one of the luxuries of working for Sony is PlayStation. So all the actors' trailers were outfitted with the best TVs and the latest PlayStations, and one of the games they gave me was 'Uncharted.'"

Holland said that he quickly fell in love with the series, constantly playing them in his trailer between scenes, even jokingly saying he wouldn't leave to start filming until he finished the mission he was on. This love for the games led Holland to talk to Rothman about the franchise and its stalled big screen adaptation.

Tom Holland's love of the games led to his role in the Uncharted movie

Holland's discussions with Rothman eventually resulted in the younger, more prequel-friendly version of Nathan Drake that is set to appear in the film. Rothman mentioned on stage that the idea behind the movie was to explore ideas in the "Uncharted" movie that had not yet been explored in the games, while still containing plenty of references and homages to Drake's original adventures. Additionally, Holland explained that a good amount of time was spent speaking with game developer Naughty Dog in order to help bring Nathan Drake to life.


Holland has mentioned in other interviews that "Uncharted" almost broke him, as he spread himself too thin between various productions. Now that some time has passed, he seems much more positive about the experience.

Holland explained that he believes the team achieved its goals with the "Uncharted" film, creating something that welcomes people unfamiliar in the games and still satisfies hardcore fans of the source material. Assuming it doesn't get delayed, the "Uncharted" movie is set to hit theaters on February 18 after many years of development issues.

