The Video Game Like Ready Player One You Should Definitely Check Out

Set in 2045, "Ready Player One" takes place in a dystopian, futuristic society in which the real world has descended into chaos as the result of both global warming and an energy crisis. The economy is in ruins and most people live in run-down slums, creating an almost unbearable existence for the corporate-controlled world. To escape the perils of modern society, many have resorted to spending most of their time in the OASIS, a wholly immersive, virtual world that is accessible only through a VR headset. People are so dependent upon the OASIS to make life easier that its in-game currency, OASIS credits, are highly valued in real life. Originally a 2011 novel by Ernest Cline, "Ready Player One" was later adapted for the big screen by Steven Spielberg.


Though most would most definitely prefer to live in a stable and safe society not marred in economic and climate-induced ruin, the technology seen in "Ready Player One" — more specifically, the ability to create a vast virtual world with endless possibilities like the OASIS — is a fascinating one. Unfortunately, the technology isn't quite yet up to par to tackle this kind of virtual reality. There is, however, one game that can match it, and it's been on the market for almost 20 years.

EVE Online is similar to Ready Player One in terms of its stakes

In some respects, the OASIS already sort of exists in the forms of MMO (massively multiplayer online) titles. Social games like "VRChat" on the Oculus create to-scale worlds where people using VR headsets can communicate with one another and engage in some activities, similar to the OASIS. However, when it comes to pure immersion, a game that matches "Ready Player One" in terms of stakes is "EVE Online."


Originally released in 2003 for the PC, "EVE Online" is an interstellar sandbox in which outer space is your oyster. Players can engage in an almost endless amount of activities, be it exploration, trading, mining, warfare, piracy, and even colonization. Unlike other games in which players can quickly upgrade and accumulate vehicles and tools, "EVE Online" requires patience to make your outer space adventure worth it. New ships and skills require real-world time to accumulate.  Once a ship is destroyed, there are no respawns — it's gone for good. These types of in-game stakes force players to err on the side of caution when choosing their professions, flight paths, and alliances.

This isn't too dissimilar to "Ready Player One," where players' actions have a sense of real-life consequences attached to them.


EVE Online has a player-driven economy

A huge part of "Ready Player One" is its economy, in which the OASIS' in-game currency is equally — if not more — valuable as real-life money. While "EVE Online" doesn't require players to spend their hard-earned dollars, unsanctioned marketplaces offer the option of buying in-game assets. There's a thriving in-game economy in "EVE Online" is completely dependent upon supply and demand. Purchases in "EVE Online" are made using its in-game currency, known as ISK (Interstellar Kredits). Because of the constantly evolving economy and the need to keep up with rival factions and/or corporations, ISK is needed to invest in the game and become competitive.


Players who engage in the signature large-scale space battles of "EVE Online" often sustain huge losses, forcing them to start over from scratch and re-invest their resources. Losing one's ship negates hours of hard work and assets, requiring a significant amount of real-world time to rebuild.

