The Xenoblade Reference You Missed In Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

Players who've dabbled in the "Lego" video game series before know that the titles often portray retellings of famous films while adding a heaping helping of Easter eggs and pop culture references, and "Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga" is no exception. While previous "Lego Star Wars" entries have been considered among the better, sillier "Star Wars" video games, this newest all-inclusive entry is quickly gaining critic and fan praise. Alongside the typical fanfare and comedy, the game is full of fun surprises awaiting players' discovery. 


While trodding through the events of the "Star Wars" movies, players will come across countless Easter eggs — so many that it can become easy to miss one or two as they come one after another. There's even a cheeky "Xenoblade" reference tucked away that fans of the Nintendo RPG series might overlook. Here's the easily missed "Xenoblade" reference in "Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga" and what significance it holds.

Someone's Really Feeling It in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

There's a point in "Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga" where players will find themselves inside a cave disco. While there's plenty of little Lego characters grooving, getting down, and vibing to the disco beats, Some players have noticed that the most interesting character present is the director that seemingly orchestrated the whole shindig — and they might be from a place even further than the galaxy far, far away. 


As shared by YouTuber Vame Geveloper, if players take the time to talk to the Disco Director character, they'll be in for a nice little treat. The Disco Director is voiced by none other than Adam Howden (Shulk's voice actor in "Xenoblade Chronicles" and "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate") and the character will eagerly tell players "Now THIS is a party! I'm really feeling it." To "Xenoblade" and Shulk fans, that last line likely filled them with glee, but to the uninitiated — and those unfamiliar with the borderline obscure character — the quote will likely just go overhead.

Why Is The Disco Director Such A Big Deal?

While some fans weren't sure whether Adam Howden's referential line was intentional, the internet quickly received a definitive answer when a dev who'd previously worked on the game confirmed they'd put the tribute in there. Responding to a Tweet detailing the easter egg, former Traveler's Tales developer David Harris said, "Nice to see people are enjoying this little one I snuck in there!"


For those who aren't as familiar with the line, "I'm really feeling it" is uttered by main protagonist Shulk countless times throughout the first "Xenoblade Chronicles" title. Furthermore, "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate players may also recall the phrase, as it's something Shulk will also yell out in Nintendo's iconic fighting game. Of course, the fact that Shulk's voice actor, Adam Howden, is the one delivering the line makes it all the sweeter for fans. 

Players might not have expected a "Xenoblade Chronicles" easter egg hiding in plain sight when jumping into "Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga," but now that it's been found, fans are eternally grateful.

