What Is 100 Thieves' Mysterious Project X?

Since its founding in 2017, prominent esports organization 100 Thieves has continued to grow. Though the road to success hasn't always been smooth, 100 Thieves has proven a mainstay in both the competitive and streaming scenes. It also boasts a popular apparel line. Now all eyes are on the group once more thanks to the announcement of its next venture – the mysteriously-titled "Project X."


As revealed in a nine-minute video posted to Twitter on May 18, 100 Thieves is making a video game. The company has already kicked off an official social media account for what it's currently calling "Project X," as the project is barely in its infancy. The announcement video features 100 Thieves founder and CEO Nadeshot and president and COO John Robinson conversing about the news. The two also introduce involvement from 100 Thieves' new chief product officer Pete Hawley. Given Hawley's experience working on games like "Killzone" and "Fable" (among others), as well as his time with Robinson at Electronic Arts, he'll likely be a key player in the production process.

In addition to the big reveal, the "Project X" Twitter features a special letter from Nadeshot in which he reminisces on his youthful days playing "Halo 2," "Pokémon," "Call of Duty," and more games competitively for hours on end. The same drive stuck with him as he embraced this thrilling next chapter for his company. You can also check out a dev blog where the team will share more updates. For now, the reveal video contains many telling tidbits that are sure to get "100 Thieves" fans fired up for the upcoming "Project X."


100 Thieves unpacks Project X

Both Nadeshot and Robinson had a lot to say about "Project X." For starters, Nadeshot shared that it has been in the works for roughly two years, though Robinson added that they thought for a long time that they wouldn't be able to pull it off.


100 Thieves' approach to development will set "Project X" apart. As explained by Robinson, "We're gonna make a game with our creators, we're gonna make a game with our pros, and we're gonna make a game with you, our community. And we think that's a different way of making a video game than anyone's ever made one before." Though he and his team know it'll be difficult, Robinson felt this approach would set them up for success.

Nadeshot spoke to similar sentiments in his letter, telling fans: "I just want to create moments and experiences that can make you feel the same way that I did when I was a kid." He shared his own experiences feeling disconnected from the development process, especially when it comes to waiting for sequels for years without any sense of involvement. Add to that Robinson's observation that 100 Thieves has many folks with innovative development ideas who have yet to bring them to light, and there's a clear connection to the freshness "Project X" hopes to bring to the industry.


Nadeshot and Robinson were coy about providing further details, though their history and inspirations may suggest a shooter. Then again, Nadeshot also joked "we're making 'Viva Piñata 2.'" More solid updates on "Project X" have been promised soon.

