New Call Of Duty Trailer Has Everyone Questioning Reality

Last week, "Call of Duty" fans got the news they'd been waiting for when Infinity Ward officially announced the impending release date of "Modern Warfare 2." Though some gamers are still skeptical of whether or not the new iteration can recapture the excitement of the original "MW2," the presence of fan favorite characters like Ghost and Price has still piqued the interest of longtime fans. Now, a new teaser trailer for the upcoming game has dropped, and the visuals contained therein are seriously shocking some fans.


"The ultimate weapon is team," promises the official "Call of Duty" Twitter account, and the attached teaser shows off the team in question. In a surprisingly somber clip, actors portraying the beloved Task Force 141 from previous "Modern Warfare" entries are seen mentally preparing themselves as their transport moves into a Warzone. They load their weapons and apply facepaint as bullets fly into the windows on either side of them. Finally, the vehicle comes to a halt and they step out into the chaos as the title card pops up. 

Activision promises a full reveal for the game will be arriving June 8, but in the meantime, gamers are debating the reality of the pulse-pounding trailer. 

Are these soldiers the real deal?

In a debate that has taken up a good chunk of the comments below the official YouTube listing for the trailer, fans seem to be divided on whether or not the trailer is a piece of live-action filmmaking (which it mostly is). Some people are thrilled to see "Call of Duty" producing yet another impressive live-action teaser, while others are hoping the new installment's game engine is capable of producing visuals of this scale and quality. Some fans are already bemoaning the idea that the actual game won't look as good as this trailer, but other viewers are more than happy to join in the hype surrounding their favorite franchise.


In a blog post celebrating the official announcement of the game, Infinity Ward Director of Communications Stephanie Snowden remarked, "Modern Warfare II is an incredibly ambitious title in terms of what we hope to deliver our fans." These remarks seem especially apt, as fans are already seeing the team delivering on those ambitious aims, to the point where the line between games and reality are becoming blurred.

Thankfully for those who were feeling weirded out by the first trailer, a lighthearted ad came along shortly thereafter to clear a few things up. As the debate continued over whether or not Ghost and the gang were made of flesh and blood in the latest "Call of Duty" teaser, a surprising fan favorite streamer may have provided the clues everyone needed.


TimTheTatman joins Modern Warfare 2 (kinda)

TimTheTatman is no stranger to the world of "Call of Duty," frequently loading into "Vanguard" and "Warzone" to play with buddies like Dr Disrespect. Back at the start of the year, he released a video in which he reacted to hilarious and over the top gameplay clips from the original "Modern Warfare 2." And earlier this week, the streamer waxed nostalgic about one of his favorite under-appreciated entries in the franchise, "Call of Duty: Ghosts." This is clearly a series that means a great deal to TimTheTatman, so it makes sense that he'd want to get in on the ground floor of this latest installment. What fans couldn't have anticipated, however, is just how close Tim would get to the action.


In a pretty hilarious ad for "Modern Warfare 2," TimTheTatman actually joins Capt. Price and his allies for their ride into battle. In the clip, Ghost asks Price if he's "sure" about the team's latest recruit. Price looks a bit undecided for a brief moment, then says, "Don't worry, mate. He's with me." The camera then pans over to TimTheTatman, all done up in military gear, amusingly announcing to the rest of the crew that he doesn't need to equip a scope on his rifle. Ghost gives Price a withering glance and Tim cracks up in the background, bringing the ad to a close.

Not only does this ad provide some laughs for fans of "Call of Duty" and TimTheTatman, but the ad does away with some of the overcranked visuals of the first and seems to dispel any thoughts of being fully animated. The comments below the clip on YouTube are full of people rejoicing that the days of live-action "Call of Duty" commercials are back. Apparently all it took was seeing a flesh-and-blood streamer that people know and like to bring "Modern Warfare" fans back to reality. Now how about an actual TimTheTatman Operator DLC?


