PlayStation Stars Loyalty Program Explained

It seems like loyalty programs have extended to just about every industry imaginable. For years, fast food restaurants, clothing retailers, and even airlines have offered point systems that can earn customers a little extra something or a bit of a discount. While it would always take several purchases before a customers' points would add up to anything, the prospect of eventually earning something added a natural incentive for repeat business. Now, consumers are seeing similar programs crop nearly everywhere they can spend money. 

While GameStop has been doing it for years, it seems that the major movers and shakers of the game industry are looking to implement loyalty programs directly onto consoles to keep players engaged and coming back for more. Sony has announced PlayStation Stars, a new point-based loyalty program for PlayStation owners that rewards performance above purchase. Obviously, there are ways to earn points by buying stuff through the PlayStation Store, but PlayStation Stars promises to incentivize just hopping on a PlayStation console and spending some quality time with already-owned games. Here's everything players need to know about Sony's new PlayStation Stars loyalty program.

Prioritizing play over purchasing

In a PlayStation.Blog post, Sony revealed PlayStation Stars and offered information about how the program would work. PlayStation Stars will be free to join and the program will present different campaigns and activities for players to take part in to earn rewards. VP of Network Advertising and Loyalty & Licensed Merchandise Grace Chen offered some examples of what players could expect, saying, "you'll earn rewards by completing a variety of campaigns and activities. Our "Monthly Check-In" campaign simply requires you to play any game to receive a reward, while other campaigns require you to win tournaments, earn specific trophies, or even be the first player to platinum a blockbuster title in your local time zone." 

While "rewards" is a vague word, it stands to reason that completing activities will either net players a predetermined digital prize (a system theme for example), points, or a newly detailed Digital Collectible. Chen Describes Digital Collectibles, saying, "They are digital representations of things that PlayStation fans enjoy, including figurines of beloved and iconic characters from games and other forms of entertainment, as well as cherished devices that tap into Sony's history of innovation."

After earning some points, players will be able to redeem them for a wallet balance or for certain items in the PlayStation Store. As an added bonus, any PlayStation Plus members of any tier that enroll into PlayStation Stars will earn points on purchases through the PlayStation Store. Sony plans to launch PlayStation Stars later this year.
