Is A Plague Tale: Requiem The End Of The Series?

"A Plague Tale: Requiem" just released, and, based on early critical reception, it's looking like a great game and a worthy successor to "A Plague Tale: Innocence." The sequel is being praised for its touching story, polished gameplay, and improved visuals, all of which build on the groundwork of the first game.


While the sequel looks to be longer than the original title, the story will still come to an end, and many fans may find themselves wondering whether they'll ever get to return to a plague-ridden France. While nothing is set in stone, the game's director, Kevin Choteau, recently spoke with PlayStation Blog about the series and offered some hints about the future of Amicia and Hugo de Rune.

In this interview, Choteau spoke about the development of "A Plague Tale: Requiem" and his thoughts on the series. Further, without committing one way or another, he did provide some thoughts on another sequel that, though informative, may be disappointing news for fans of the series.

No plans for a Plague Tale sequel at this time

During his interview, Choteau was specifically asked about the future of the series and the possibility of a sequel. While not walking away from the franchise entirely, he made clear that it wasn't on his team's schedule at this time. "I think, for now, it's the end. But the door is never closed, and we'll see the player reception. We want to see their reaction before deciding anything. They are driving our production, and if they don't like what we've done, we need to do something else."


Based on this statement, it sounds like fans won't be getting another sequel for some time, if at all. The interview made it clear that Choteau and the development team are still primarily thinking about the current release and not considering the future until they've absorbed feedback and gauged player reactions. However, Choteau's tying the possibility of future releases to the reception of "A Plague Tale: Requiem" lends an air of uncertainty to the situation.

While this may not be the answer fans want to hear, it's not as definitively negative as it could be. The development team is listening to fans and is eager to offer experiences they enjoy, whether through "A Plague Tale" games or something else. Further, this isn't the end of "A Plague Tale" stories altogether, as fans learned that a TV series based on the games is being adapted earlier this year.


