How To Slide Cancel In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

The multiplayer component of 2022's "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" is upon us, and it brings plenty of changes. Some, such as the fact that enemy players no longer appear on mini-maps when sprinting or shooting, have fans divided. We'll have to wait to see how fans respond to other additions like the newest multiplayer modes, but there is comfort for longtime fans in the fact that some fan-favorite features are returning.


Or, in this case, some fan-favorite exploits. With "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" being a direct sequel to 2019's "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare," some fans might be wondering if the popular, albeit divisive, movement known as Slide Canceling will be making a return. Due to the fact that Slide Canceling was never a built-in mechanic, it makes sense that it could have possibly been removed for the latest entry in the franchise. However, based on the game's beta, Slide Canceling is alive and well for the time being.

Two taps of the ADS followed by a jump

As shown in a Twitter post by professional "Call of Duty" League player Shotzzy, Slide Canceling is still present in "Modern Warfare 2 (2022)." Shotzzy, doesn't explain just how he managed to pull this off, but, luckily, there are plenty of explanations online of how to accomplish a Slide Cancel on one's own.


As detailed by GameRant, the first thing one must do is head into the game's Settings. Here, players should select their Input Menu of either Keyboard & Mouse or Controller, and head to the subsection labeled "Gameplay." Then, players should find the setting regarding "Weapon Mount Activation," and change it to "Double-Tap ADS." Once that is complete, backing out to the Input Menu players can find the "Advanced Settings." A quick peek in here to turn off both "Grounded Mantle" and "Automatic Grounded Mantle" within the "Movement Behavior" section, and voila! Performing a Slide Cancel in "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2022)" is now possible.

To do so in-game, players will have to activate Tactical Sprint, press the slide button, and then, in rapid succession, Double-Tap their ADS button immediately followed by the jump button. It will definitely take some trial and error for most players to figure out, but there's a slight chance Slide Canceling's days are numbered. In a blog post from developer Infinity Ward regarding the beta for "Modern Warfare 2 (2022)," the studio stated that it, "addressed some movement exploits following Beta." While Slide Canceling isn't mentioned by name, the exploit could be on its way out.


