How To Get Skyrim For Free On PlayStation

"Skyrim" released back in 2011 and, since then, it's gone on to be the most successful and popular game in the "Elder Scrolls" series. Remastered and re-released numerous times, the fantasy RPG has been available on the PS3, PS4, PS5, Xbox360, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Many gamers have owned multiple copies of the game across console generations over the years and it's difficult to find a fan of RPGs who hasn't played it at least once. Now, PlayStation is offering another opportunity for its users to return to the land of the Nords one more time and for those that somehow avoided the game for over ten years to finally check it out. The best part is, this time "Skyrim" will be available for free.


This week, PlayStation revealed on its blog what new games would be coming to the Game Catalog for PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium members in November. This lineup includes plenty of games that gamers should be excited for, including "Rainbow Six Siege," Kingdom Hearts 3," and Oddworld: Soulstorm." It also features yet another release of the special edition of "Skyrim" for both the PS4 and PS5.

Skyrim free for PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium members - starting November 15

The new games are set to join the Game Catalog on November 15 and will be available to download for subscribers to the mid-level and upper level of PlayStation Plus tiers. In addition to this solid lineup, Plus Premium members, in particular, will also be getting access to five "Ratchet and Clank" games from the PS3 era.


With such a great selection, including the beloved "Skyrim," which offers over 200 hours of content, now could be a good time to consider checking out PS Plus or upgrading to a higher tier. It's hard to imagine any gamer who doesn't already own at least one copy of the game at this point but free along with a bunch of other great games could be too good a deal to pass up. Further, as this is the special edition of the game, it will also come with the three major pieces of DLC that some fans who played the game way back in 2011 may have missed.

With Sony facing a decline in PlayStation Plus subscribers since the launch of the PS5, an expanded Game Catalog with some of the console's greatest hits could be a step in the right direction. We'll have to wait and see if free "Skyrim" brings fans back to the subscription service.


