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The Pokémon Scarlet And Violet Patch Won't Fix Your Biggest Issues

It's an understatement to say that "Pokémon Scarlet" and "Violet" have had a rough start. Still, even though the games' launch wasn't perfect, they passed a sales milestone almost immediately. "Scarlet" and "Violet" were plagued with bugs and glitches, many of which affected both the games' performance and functionality. Many gamers felt outraged that the latest generation of "Pokémon" on the Switch looked so dated, and some even sought refunds from Nintendo. Those who didn't attempt to get their money back could either try to be satisfied with the final product or wait patiently for an inevitable patch that might fix some of the games' more glaring issues. Finally, a patch has arrived, but it's not exactly what fans were hoping for.


Nintendo announced on its official Twitter that it was releasing a patch for "Pokémon Scarlet" and "Violet," adding, "We take the feedback from players seriously, and will continue to work on improvements to the games." Unfortunately, the patch doesn't seem to address some of the biggest problems with the games, and instead seems to be blasting full steam ahead by adding new features. On Nintendo's website, it explained, "We are aware that players may encounter issues that affect the games' performance. Our goal is always to give players a positive experience with our games, and we apologize for the inconvenience." However, the patch – which releases Dec. 1 – won't change performance all that much.


What does the patch include?

So what will the patch add to "Pokémon Scarlet" and "Violet?" The patch notes on Nintendo's official website explain that Ver. 1.1.0 will introduce Season 1 of Ranked Battles in the Battle Stadium, which will be explained more in-game once the patch drops. The patch will also correct an error that caused music to stop playing during Elite Four battles.


While the patch notes mention other minor bug fixes, there's no mention of graphical updates, which many fans were hoping for. One gamer told others not to expect any drastic changes from Nintendo, as it saw fit to release the game in the first place. Another commenter argued that Nintendo might be planning to release more patches in the future, and that its willingness to say that it hears fans is proof enough that changes are coming. Some simply suggested that Nintendo only reacts when an issue affects earnings.

It's unclear if Nintendo will release more updates in the future, but its message communicated that – at the very least – it heard fans' complaints.

