Hogwarts Legacy: Best Spell Loadouts For Early And Late Game

"Hogwarts Legacy" does an amazing job of making players feel like true witches and wizards at the magical school. The action RPG features a wealth of things to do and places to explore along with plenty of opportunities for customization, like creating a personal Room of Requirement to rival the one designed by the game's director. It also allows gamers to learn and use plenty of different spells for both combat and puzzle-solving over the course of a playthrough.


The variety of spells serves as one of the best parts of "Hogwarts Legacy." Of course, learning and keeping track of all these spells can feel overwhelming for new players and it's not always clear which are the most useful in a given situation. On top of that, a player is limited to only four active spell slots at a time, meaning they'll have to be selective about their loadouts as they make their way through their adventure.

Players should note that it's possible to unlock up to four loadouts that can be customized and switched between quickly. These can be unlocked by taking the Spell Knowledge talents in the Core Talents track. Gamers should prioritize unlocking these extra loadouts early so they can be prepared for different situations and avoid having to constantly swap out spells.


Set up multiple loadouts early

While out adventuring in "Hogwarts Legacy," it's best to have a loadout with Lumos, Disillusionment, Reparo, and Accio. These spells will all regularly come in handy when solving puzzles and exploring for secrets. Lumos provides extra light in dark places and is also required for finishing numerous puzzles. Reparo and Disillusionment are, likewise, regularly required for solving puzzles and navigating the setting. Finally, Accio will help players collect the flying pages scattered throughout the world.


While in the Room of Requirement, players will want a loadout with Altering, Conjuring, Evanesco, and Wingardium Leviosa. The first three are the Transfiguration spells that are used for creating, disappearing, and transforming objects in the Room of Requirement so they should always be ready to go. The final spell won't be useful there but it is another good exploration spell so it won't hurt to put it in one of the available loadouts.

When catching and caring for magical beasts, players will want a loadout of Nab-sack, Beast Feed, Beast Petting Brush, and Levioso. The first three are directly related to magical beasts while casting Levioso on a beast makes it easier to catch.

Keep a diverse set of spells for combat

For "Hogwarts Legacy" combat, it's important to have a diverse set of spells as different types are needed to break through various enemy shields. Red shields require a damage spell, yellow shields a control spell, and blue shields a force spell so one of each should be in a combat loadout at any time.


Early on, the damage spell Incendio is a good choice as fire is needed to defeat inferi. For a force spell, Accio is available early and is helpful for pulling enemies in close. Finally, Levioso is the first control spell unlocked and pairs well with Accio as both will disable an enemy and keep them up in the air. For a fourth spell, players can add in whichever extra combat spell they've unlocked that they prefer. Expelliarmus is a solid early option here, as are Glacius and Depuslo.

As they progress and unlock more spells, players will likely want to swap some of these out for more powerful or effective options. Incendio should be replaced with Confrigo as it has a greater range while Flipendo can replace Accio. Finally, Transformation is a fun spell that players will want to try out in place of Levioso. Again, the fourth spell slot can be used for whatever a player prefers. Those looking to dabble in the Dark Arts may even want to go with Imperio or the dreaded Avada Kadavra.


Ultimately, players will want to experiment a bit to see everything the game has to offer. Still, these loadouts are solid options to settle into over time.

