Capcom Offers More On Monster Hunter: World's Expansion

Well how about that? One day after Capcom announced an expansion to Monster Hunter: World with very few details, the company is back with an exclusive interview on the official PlayStation Blog. And now we know a bit more about what we can expect in the game's Iceborne expansion coming next fall.


So everyone's dying to know: how big is Iceborne going to be, exactly? Here's what Capcom's Ryozo Tsujimoto had to say.

"We are introducing a new quest rank," Tsujimoto said, "and while the content in Iceborne isn't quite as big as the already huge Monster Hunter: World game, the expansion is sizable and is really going to build upon the existing world. Fans familiar with the concept of the expansions that we've done in the past should have some idea of the scope and that we'll work to make it as voluminous as possible."

That's certainly good news, as the Monster Hunter franchise has been known to add some impressively sized expansions. But the magic of any Monster Hunter game doesn't necessarily come from the size of the world, but the number of unique monsters in it. There are new monsters on the way, right? According to Tsujimoto, the answer is yes.


"Of course, there will be some brand-new monsters you've never seen before making their first appearance," he said. "Also, if you look very closely at the trailer we've released, at the very end you might just get a hint at some of your old favorites returning this time around."

It seems Capcom isn't keen on spoiling anything in terms of which monsters are being added and which series favorites are coming back. But Tsujimoto did tell fans to expect something special in January 2019. That month marks the one-year anniversary of Monster Hunter: World's launch, and there'll be a special in-game celebration called The Appreciation Fest to commemorate the occasion.

That's all Capcom is willing to give us right now. Once again, though, we'll have our ears to the ground awaiting more, so stay tuned.

