Rockstar Reacts To GTA 6 Trailer Leak

Leaks are just a part of life in the gaming industry, but that doesn't mean developers feel great about them. Last September, a massive "Grand Theft Auto 6" leak revealed some top-secret information about the project, and Rockstar tried to take it in stride. Then, barely 12 hours before the developer was set to drop the "GTA 6" trailer and reveal the game on its turns, a leaked version floated onto the internet.


By the time the game releases in 2025, most fans likely won't be thinking about the leaks anymore. They'll remember how excited they were for the next "Grand Theft Auto" entry and how they watched the trailer dozens of times in anticipation. However, the people who worked on the title might remember this moment longer than the rest of the community. Rockstar employees have already started reacting to the leaks. While some have focused on the silver lining of the trailer's overwhelmingly positive reception, others have, understandably, felt the sting of having their hard work revealed so unceremoniously.

Not according to plan but still a reason to celebrate

The people working at Rockstar were as excited as the rest of the world to watch the global premiere of the "GTA 6" trailer on December 5, and they were just as shocked when the trailer leaked. A Rockstar Games Senior Programmer summed up his ourage simply and with a bit of profanity. This mirrored how many felt when they first saw that low-res trailer leaked with a "buy bitcoin" message splashed across the middle.


From the outside, it's easy to forget that this trailer premiere was supposed to be a big event for everyone at Rockstar, too. Some, like graphics programmer Angel Ortiz, decided to forgo watching it early to enjoy it for the first time with the rest of their team at the office. No one at Rockstar wanted the debut to go like this, but now that it has, plenty have focused on the positive and joined in the excitement over the title's upcoming release.

AI and gameplay programmer Matthew Rennie wrote, "Shame it had to be released like this, but so excited to finally get to show off what we've been cooking." Principal animator Amy Hartley also embraced the bright side, stating, "Little bit earlier than expected, but here it is folks! So proud of everyone working on this game, it's going to be amazing." Despite the less-than-ideal circumstances, many Rockstar employees still viewed this as a welcome opportunity to share their enthusiasm about working on "GTA 6" and celebrate their team's accomplishments.


