Dream Fires Back At Serious Allegations

The following article includes allegations of grooming minors.

Dream may have covered his face back up for future public appearances, but the streamer is having a difficult time keeping his personal life out of the wider conversation online. Over the last year, the "Minecraft" YouTuber has been accused by multiple parties of grooming underage fans. The content creator has denied these allegations time and again, promising to present fans with receipts and to prove without a doubt that he's not guilty. In November, the streamer promised to clear things up on X (formerly Twitter), writing, "Working on a video responding to everything going on, and it's my top priority as it's incredibly serious."


Since then, fans and critics alike awaited Dream's response as further allegations were posted to social media. Some of these anonymous accounts included screenshots with their posts, purporting that the reproduced texts and Snapchat messages came from Dream's personal accounts. On December 19, Dream finally uploaded an 82-minute video in which he dove into a number of topics, from his "Minecraft" speedrun scandal to the more serious accusations against him. Unfortunately, the video has caused unforeseen issues for other content creators.

Dream presents his evidence

Dream presented viewers with a number of sources that seemed to refute the claims against him. These included screenshots of his Instagram DMs and a message from one person who claimed that someone posing as her was among the people accusing Dream of misconduct. This person, identified only as Jamie, said that these allegations were causing issues in her personal life as well. Dream also called the Orange County Sheriff's Office and provided audio of a public servant verifying that there are no current investigations in the county's database regarding Dream or his accusers. Following the release of Dream's video, one of the accounts that had formerly accused him of wrongdoing said they may have been misled by an unknown party into tarnishing Dream's reputation. Commenters appear to be mixed on whether they've been convinced by these latest revelations.


However, not everything has been cleared up just yet. In one section of the video that has proven especially contentious, Dream attempted to illustrate how easy it is to paint someone in a negative light by using editing software. To do this, Dream showed off doctored conversations with xQc and Pokimane, with one being an embarrassing raunchy text and the latter being a fake message admitting that Pokimane is scamming fans with her new cookies. Unfortunately, this last bit seems to have blown up in a different way than Dream might have anticipated.


Dream's faked conversations spark further confusion

Referring to the doctored screenshots, Dream explained, "I made all of those pieces of evidence in ten minutes with only free programs. What's stopping anyone from going and making a fresh account, going and making evidence, and then accusing a person they hate of something vile?" At this point, Dream cautioned fans once more about believing things just because they're in print. 


Unfortunately, as pointed out by a number of viewers online, Dream may have also inadvertently painted a target on these streamers' backs. Within hours of his new video going live, people shared screenshots of these fake messages and passed them off as the real deal, slandering Pokimane and xQc in the process. While xQc seemed to get a kick out of it during his stream, Poki was clearly confused by this turn of events:

Dream quickly apologized to Pokimane, writing, "Knowing you and your character, I thought it was so ridiculously fake that no one could remotely believe it, but Twitter surprises me every day and makes the point for me." Dream also announced his intention to leave social media behind for an undetermined amount of time. Going forward, he explained, his X account will primarily be handled by a PR person, and his feed will be reserved for promotional posts.


