Nintendo Fans Unimpressed By Latest Switch 2 Rumors

It seems like a new batch of Nintendo Switch 2 rumors crops up every couple of months, encouraging fans to brace themselves for the latest addition to Nintendo's console legacy. Despite Nintendo's repeated claims that the Switch 2 is not in development, rumors continue to abound of dev kits and secret Switch 2 demos being played in clandestine locations. Gamers have gotten their hopes up so many times that the latest round of Switch 2 rumors are failing to encourage much excitement in some of the more vocal sections of the community.


As part of its annual gaming forecast, invited a number of industry analysts to share their biggest predictions for 2024. The section that seems to be attracting the most attention this year was contributed by Kantan Games CEO Dr. Serkan Toto, who shared some bold predictions about the future of the Switch brand. According to Dr. Toto, the Nintendo Switch's successor will still be a portable console, without much in the way of technological advancements. "The next system is also likely to be an iteration rather than a revolution," he explained. "Nintendo might add some bells and whistles to the device, but it will be similar to the current Switch." Additionally, Dr. Toto said that he expects the Switch 2 (or whatever it's called) to be released at some point this year, at a price point of $400. Dr. Toto believes the new system will also herald an increase in game prices, with Nintendo raising the cost of new releases from $60 to $70. For a number of reasons, many gamers aren't exactly enthralled by this news.


Another year, another batch of Nintendo Switch 2 rumors

Nintendo fans have taken to social media to express their feelings about Dr. Serkan Toto's Switch 2 predictions, and while some are excited by the prospect of a new console dropping this year, others are feeling a resigned sense of deja vu. For many fans, these predictions just feel like the latest round of rumors to say similar things to the last batch.


Some fans have gotten so accustomed to hearing a zillion rumors and seeing zero official announcements that they've started to think it's all part of a long-running joke by Nintendo. "I am pretty sure at this point that each time we think about it, they delay the switch 2 again," quipped one X user. Others still refuse to believe that Nintendo's next console will be a follow-up to the Switch, with one fan posting, "Nintendo is too emotionally scared [sic] by the Wii U to do a sequel console again." Some just don't want to hear any more rumors unless they're confirmed by Nintendo. When "Switch 2" started trending on X, one fan posted a gif of Spider-Man walking away from an explosion, captioning it, "what's the point of making the Switch 2 trend if we have like 0 info about it?"


Though these new predictions are no doubt enticing, it seems like many Nintendo fans are growing weary of the constant rumor mill. Hopefully Nintendo will address these concerns at some point in 2024, offering fans something more substantial to speculate about.

