Sony Announces Wildlife Simulator Away: The Survival Series

Between teasing the Final Fantasy 7 remake and dropping the release date and story trailer for the MediEvil remake, Sony revealed a fascinating new project during their State of Play yesterday.

Away: The Survival Series is a third-person adventure game that follows a sugar glider's struggle to survive in the wild. Inspired by nature documentaries, the game boasts a plethora of environments to explore, including forests, caverns, and swamps. A rich ecosystem, populated by animals of all shapes and sizes, further enhances the wonder and diversity.


"Every living being is locked in a deadly competition," asserts the announcement trailer. "Ahead lurks a land of great danger for some and opportunities for others. But our world has changed. To survive, we too must change." 

Though it ranks near the bottom of the food chain, the sugar glider has several skills to help you complete your journey. "The sugar glider makes up for its small size with superior agility as you jump, climb, and glide through your surroundings," says the official website. You'll need every advantage to survive the cataclysmic storm threatening the planet and outmaneuver the predators who stand in your way.

Breaking Walls, an indie studio based in Montreal, is the developer behind Away: The Survival Series. The team has contributed to several AAA titles, including Assassin's Creed and Far Cry. Away, which has been in development for the past three years, will be their first game. The Breaking Walls website indicates what players can expect from this and future projects: "Established in 2015 by three industry veterans, Breaking Walls is an independent game studio with a clear mission: to create immersive, visually stunning, story-rich entertainment experiences."


Away: The Survival Series launches on Steam and PlayStation 4 later this year. For sneak peaks, giveaways, and more, head over to the official subreddit.

