The Rest Of Telltale's Library Is Being Removed From GOG

If you're a fan of Telltale's adventure titles, we have some bad news for you: the rest of them will be coming off of GOG's storefront very soon.

"Sadly, we need to inform you that, due to [the] company's closure, all the remaining Telltale titles will be delisted from our catalogue on Monday 27th, 10am UTC," GOG said in a statement. "The titles are as follows: The Wolf Among UsMarvel's Guardians of the GalaxyHector: Badge of Carnage, the Batman series, Sam & Max series, Puzzle Agent series, Tales from the Borderlands, and Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People."


That's quite a blow. Fortunately, anyone who's already purchased any of the above games will still have access to them.

And there's good news for Borderlands fans lamenting the impending removal of Tales from the Borderlands. According to Eurogamer, 2K Games is in talks to get the title back on sale, telling Eurogamer, "We are working to get Tales from the Borderlands back up on digital storefronts as soon as possible. All prior digital purchases of the game will of course still be honored and supported."

The removal of these Telltale games shouldn't come as a surprise, as many were taken down from a number of digital shops already. But it's still a little sad that we've finally arrived at the moment where almost every Telltale title is giving up the ghost. It was just a few years ago that the studio was flying high, scoring big with The Walking Dead and scooping up just about every license imaginable. And while none shined as brightly as the first season of The Walking Dead did, some had their moments.


We appreciated the way the Batman series went its own way, opting to tell its own story rather than adapting an already-told tale (that was unintentional). We enjoyed meeting the members of House Forrester in Game of Thrones, and feeling like we were part of a special club with the few others who knew what "Iron from Ice!" meant. We dug the way Tales from the Borderlands expanded on that universe, introducing a few new characters that we'll interact with once more in Borderlands 3. And we absolutely loved the dark, gritty spin on fairy tale characters in The Wolf Among Us. We need more games like that.

When these last few games are taken down, Telltale will all but vanish, living on only in places where others have taken control of their licensed properties. And then we'll have to wait for some other studio to come along and fill the void. Hopefully — fingers crossed — it's one that doesn't try to do too much, too fast.

