New Darksiders Game To Be Shown At E3

It's only been a little more than six months since we got Darksiders 3, but THQ Nordic appears to see the franchise as key to its success. So key, in fact, that a new game in the series is being unveiled very soon.


According to a report from VG247, the schedule on the E3 Coliseum website lists a Darksiders panel being hosted by THQ Nordic on June 13. What's more, that E3 panel actually has a description that flat-out states a new Darksiders title is on the horizon, and that it will "take the franchise in a fresh direction."

We know you're tired of your games leaking out ahead of time, but this is a pretty underwhelming reveal, THQ Nordic.

There isn't much news to go off of other than that E3 schedule, though there was a leak reported earlier this week that the game could be called Darksiders: Genesis. And that alone could tell us what we might be able to expect from the game. The word 'genesis' points to some kind of origin story, so we could potentially see a Darksiders game that goes back to an era before the first takes place. There's also the possibility that this next Darksiders title is a reboot of the franchise, in which case a new spin on the action gameplay seen in past Darksiders games would make sense.


It's kind of surprising that THQ Nordic is going back to the Darksiders well this quickly. Darksiders 3 received fairly average review scores, and didn't exactly light up the fall window it launched into. But to be fair, the game tried to continue on the tale told by the first two Darksiders games, and stuck more to the conventions established in those prior titles. If Darksiders: Genesis (or whatever it happens to be named) truly goes off the beaten path and offers something new for the franchise, maybe pushing another game out so soon after the last isn't that crazy an idea after all.

We'll have an eye on THQ Nordic's Darksiders panel at E3 and will update you on any news we gather about the new entry in the series.

