Helldivers 2 CEO Pays Tribute To Fan Who Passed Away

For better or worse, video games have always inspired communities and developed their own little pockets of culture. Some games get overwhelmed with toxicity, while others become a place of refuge for their fans. Just like any other game, "Helldivers 2" has grown a tight-knit community around itself, but unlike most other games, "Helldivers 2" has mostly cultivated a positive and supportive fanbase. Thanks to its extremely intense battles and always-on friendly fire, the game actively encourages players to constantly be on the lookout for ways to help each other. That camaraderie becomes so strong that it keeps existing even after players log out for the night. When life gets hard, it seems "Helldivers 2" fans can actually rely on their other players for support. That kind of support also clearly extends to the developers behind the game, if a recent interaction with a grieving player is any indication.


A Reddit user called Fine-Clothes-1209 recently reached out to the "Helldivers" community after his best friend died by suicide. Fine-Clothes-1209 was just looking for a way to download and store his friend's gameplay data as a personal memorial, but it seems he was entirely unprepared for the outpouring of support the community had to offer. "Helldivers" fans showed up by the thousands to salute their fellow gamer, and even Arrowhead Games CEO Johan Pilestedt reached out to offer his condolences.

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A Helldivers memorial may be in the works

Considering how plugged into the "Helldivers" scene Arrowhead's CEO is, it shouldn't be all that surprising that he saw this particular thread. Johan Pilestedt is always interacting with the game's fans, hinting at upcoming content and occasionally spreading some playful misinformation about current Major Orders. This time around, Pilestedt got sincere and shared his own story.


"I am so sorry for your loss. My battle brother of 20 years passed away three years ago," Pilestedt wrote. "To this day I still see his username on Discord, Steam and other platforms and fondly remember the many fond gaming memories we shared."

Fine-Clothes-1209 had originally wanted a way to keep his friend's game data as a little memorial for himself, but Pilestedt seems to have a different idea in mind. He said that he would talk to the rest of the "Helldivers" team to find a way to create some kind of in-game memorial. We don't know what form that memorial will take, but all of this just goes to show that "Helldivers 2" really has captured lightning in a bottle. Sometimes games are more than just a form of entertainment, and this is a fantastic reminder of why video games are so important.


For his own part, Fine-Clothes-1209 greatly appreciated Pilestedt's kind words. The Redditor replied to the creative director's memorial idea, writing, "Thank you so flipping much! That would be amazing."

Saluting a fallen soldier

A huge portion of the "Helldivers 2" community reached out to offer Fine-Clothes their sympathy. Over 5,000 people have commented on his post at the time of this writing, and the replies are absolutely flooded with GIFs of Helldivers saluting and embracing each other. People are also sharing their own stories of loss, with some even writing epic speeches memorializing their friends. The entire thread is a real testament to the best that video games have to offer. 


In another comment on the thread, Fine-Clothes expressed his gratitude for what everyone else had to say, writing, "I'm so amazed by the camaraderie of this community and [not gonna lie] seeing this many strangers come together to celebrate him is so awesome." The Redditor also urged anyone struggling with their own mental health to reach out for help. "I wish to the bottom of my heart [my friend had] only known how much he was valued even by strangers. If you're struggling with thoughts just reach out please."

