Helldivers 2 Confirms What We All Suspected About The Bugs

For a while now, fans have suspected that "Helldivers 2" is tricking them into making things worse throughout the galaxy. Back on Super Earth, High Command maintains that its plans for galactic liberation are designed to benefit everyone, but some still haven't been able to escape the sneaking suspicion that it's all been a lie. The latest developments in the fight against the bug-like Terminids have only confirmed some of our darkest suspicions.


As Helldivers wrapped up recent campaigns against the Terminids, questions started popping up about the methods that High Command has ordered players to use. Spraying alien planets with a green chemical called Termicide was working well in the short term, but some particularly treasonous Helldivers were wondering if Termicide had a darker side. It turns out those traitors were right, and just like the last time players caught "Helldivers 2" in a lie, someone at High Command has some serious explaining to do.

The latest in-game Major Order has officially revealed that the bugs are beginning to mutate (just like they did when the winged Terminids first appeared), and now the Helldivers are being sent to undo all the work they did the first time they were ordered to take the Terminids out. Is the general population of Super Earth finally going to turn on High Command, or can all the Helldivers dying in the name of Managed Democracy keep these treacherous thoughts at bay? Here's what's going on with the bugs.


Termicide was bad, it turns out

The latest Major Order from Super Earth came in hot. The message was shocking, but not terribly surprising for anyone who's been following all the fan theories and rumors surrounding recent developments in the galactic war. The Major Order tacitly admitted that Termicide has been causing the bugs to mutate, explaining, "Termicide may be causing faster reproduction." That's why there's a new Terminid supercolony that the Helldivers need to destroy. It also means that Helldivers could run into some unexpectedly strong bugs when they reach the surface of Meridia.


Now, the Helldivers have been tasked with destroying the Terminid Control System that they constructed not all that long ago. If High Command follows the established pattern, then the bugs will kill hundreds or thousands more Helldivers, and High Command will cover everything up for the regular citizens of Super Earth. Meanwhile, the most observant fans will be left wondering about what other dark theories might turn out to be true.

The Helldivers are ready to fight

The Helldivers might have been caught off guard by this new development, but the players controlling them have seen this coming from a mile away. "Helldivers 2" took this latest Major Order in stride. Most of them don't seem to have lost any faith in High Command. Instead, they're just ready to get boots on the ground and guns in hand.


High Command has really inspired some people to become true believers, and nothing will shake their loyalty to the cause. This was the case with one player who responded to the news by asking, "Which traitors were responsible for this? Managed Democracy doesn't fail." Other Helldivers are just in this for the violence, but those soldiers are useful in their own way. As one X user wrote, "More bugs to slaughter? excellent." And of course, when the bugs are growing out of control, the only appropriate response is a "Starship Troopers" callback.


Maybe the community is so excited about a new wave of bugs because it means the even scarier enemies out there are being held back a little longer. We've seen leaks indicating that the Illuminate are coming sooner rather than later, and their arrival is sure to be a reckoning for Super Earth. Right now, the Helldivers are just glad to blow off some steam fighting their old foes — even if they were accidentally the ones that supercharged the bugs in the first place.

