Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Gets Lightsaber Fix After Feedback From Fans

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order appears to be shaping up to be a fine video game. But die-hard Star Wars fans couldn't help but notice that something was a bit off with the game's lightsaber. It didn't look like anything Star Wars enthusiasts had ever seen before.


Respawn Entertainment is now admitting the studio messed up.

"We made a mistake on [the lightsaber] and since then we've fixed it," said Respawn's Stig Asmussen in an interview with Game Informer.

The 'mistake' Asmussen is referring to has to do with the lightsaber's design. In Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, the saber is blue from hilt to point, and that's apparently a departure from the lightsabers you might see in other Star Wars games and in the Star Wars films, which IGN reports take on a white color at their "core."

To be honest, it's the kind of thing you might not notice at all if you're not a hardcore Star Wars fanatic. But that doesn't change the fact it was noticed, nonetheless, and that Respawn has taken action to make things right.


"That was very fair feedback, very fair criticism, and we've tweaked that," Asmussen continued. "We've also tweaked the shape of the lightsaber blade a little bit as well, too. You can see the difference right away."

So there you have it, Star Wars fans. You took to the internet to question the lightsabers found in Jedi: Fallen Order, and you've been heard. They'll look different the next time you see them.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order appears to be doing some really interesting things, mixing third-person action with the kinds of Metroidvania elements that, frankly, we weren't expecting to see in a Star Wars game. You can check out extended footage of the game here, and also read about some of the concerns we have with the title.

You'll be able to pick up Jedi: Fallen Order for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on Nov. 15, 2019. We'll have more on the game for you as we draw closer to its release.

