Helldivers 2 Finally Has To Slow Down

The Galactic War in "Helldivers 2" has been raging for months, and Arrowhead Game Studios has poured non-stop fuel on the flames. As a live service game, "Helldivers 2" naturally relies on a steady stream of new content, but ever since the game was released, Arrowhead has been going above and beyond. The devs have kept a steady supply of new weapons and gear coming into the game via paid Warbonds, while new Major Orders have kept the game's story evolving at a ridiculous pace. Even when the developers send out a Major Order requiring players to slay billions upon billions of enemies, the goals are typically met in record time, necessitating another order on the fly. Gamers have a nearly endless appetite for content, but "Helldivers 2" has been supplying enough that it's hard for some people to keep up. If you've had trouble really engaging with all the updates that Arrowhead has put out, you can relate, but imagine how the devs must feel. Apparently, that astounding pace is finally about to slow down a bit.


Arrowhead community manager Twinbeard recently shed some light on the company's plans for future content rollouts. It sounds like updates are going to start take a bit more time to breathe, and that's definitely not a bad thing. Players will have more time to dig into the rumors of an incoming Illuminate invasion, and based on the comments we've gotten from Twinbeard, the devs are going to make future patches even better than the high-quality updates we've already been getting.

The slowdown is dividing fans

When fans in the official "Helldivers" Discord asked about the game's next update this week, Twinbeard stepped into the conversation to make a somewhat unusual – for Arrowhead, anyway – statement: The next update will simply  be out "When it's done."


Twinbeard's comments have filtered through the rest of the "Helldivers 2" community online, and what he had to say makes a lot of sense. "We want to take some more time for this one and potentially between future patches since we feel cadence has probably been a bit too high to be able to maintain the quality standard we want and you deserve," he said.

Judging by reactions online, many fans are supportive of the decision to slow down and focus on quality over quantity, but others are frustrated that Arrowhead has chosen this moment to change its pace. The devs have previously apologized for some unpopular balance decisions made with an early patch, and now there's a subsection of the fan base that's still desperately awaiting a patch to buff their favorite gear. Others fans are frustrated that this piece of communication came through a reply in one of the busiest channels on the "Helldivers" Discord server, rather than in the form of a formal announcement. There definitely are pros and cons to the way Arrowhead uses Discord to engage with its fans, but the company has hardly had a moment to consider its PR strategies while it's been pushing out near-constant updates. With this slight slowdown on updates, "Helldivers 2" may be entering a new era — and we all stand to benefit.


