Ninja Races Past One Million Subscribers On Mixer

Ninja has been streaming on Mixer for less than a week, but he's already making huge waves on the platform. He's accumulated over 800,000 followers on Mixer thus far, which puts him in second place behind fellow streamer TheGrefg, according to SocialBlade. Now he's reached another major milestone.


GameSpot is reporting that Ninja has officially surpassed one million subscribers on Mixer, announcing the achievement yesterday with an appreciative tweet.

"Today we hit 1,000,000 active subscribers on mixer," Ninja said. "[T]hank you for all the incredible support. I haven't felt this good in a long time."

We can't say for certain without public data being available, but the safe money is on Ninja having the most Mixer subscribers of anyone on the platform at this point. And those aren't all paying customers, mind you; Microsoft has been giving away free subscriptions to Ninja's Mixer channel since last Friday, and will continue doing so until the end of September. So he's definitely been getting the professional wrestling equivalent of a push on the service.


But you have to believe Microsoft is thrilled to death with Ninja's success thus far. If you compare Ninja's channel with the previously mentioned TheGrefg's, you'll see that TheGrefg has racked up over 54 million views on his channel, which is quite an accomplishment. Flip over to Ninja's channel, however, and you'll see he's already managed to reach over 5 million views.

TheGrefg has been streaming on Mixer for nearly two years. Ninja has been streaming on Mixer for five days. Ninja is definitely bringing a new audience over to Mixer. And he's definitely going to own that top spot at some point; perhaps sooner than we think.

We'll keep you up to speed should Ninja cross any other important milestones with his Mixer channel. In the meantime, keep an eye out for other Twitch defections. According to The Verge, another high-profile Twitch streamer has reportedly been talking with Mixer about changing teams.

