Aww: Guerrilla Games Sent Remedy Cupcakes To Celebrate Control's Release

Do game studios like some healthy competition? Sure. But they're actually quite chummy behind the scenes, and even supportive of one another when new games are released. Case in point: Guerilla Games sent some cupcakes over to Remedy Entertainment to celebrate the launch of Control. And they were reportedly very tasty.


Control, which is out today for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, is pulling in some pretty good reviews thus far. IGN gave it an 8.8, crediting "sharp writing, a set of awesome and varied psychic combat abilities, and an impressively thought-out world." And GameSpot scored it an 8, saying that Control is "a return to form for Remedy Games."

The cupcakes, on the other hand, are reportedly a 10 out of 10.

"Thanks so much to our friends at @Guerilla for the celebratory @ControlRemedy themed cupcakes!" Remedy tweeted. "They were gone in minutes!"

Guerrilla also sent a message of support to Remedy earlier this morning, tweeting: "Congratulations to our friends at @remedygames on the release of Control! We're really excited to jump in and discover Jesse's story for ourselves!"


It's easy to get caught up sometimes in the various community wars that go on; the Xbox vs. PlayStation variety comes to mind. But when you drill down, most game developers are simply happy to have jobs in the industry. They love the medium, they love making games, and most of all, they love playing games. And that's mostly true regardless of who makes them.

So don't be surprised if Remedy comes out to congratulate Guerrilla on the release of its next game; which, by the way, we'd love some information on. Is it another Killzone? Is it Horizon Zero Dawn 2? If someone at Guerrilla could please get in touch, we'd really love to have a word.

We'll even send some cupcakes as a thank you.

