Rage 2's Rise Of The Ghosts Expansion Arrives Sept. 26

It feels like Rage 2 came out a year ago, doesn't it? It actually released back in May, but unfortunately, it was one of those games that didn't really stick out and subsequently got lost in the pre-E3 shuffle. If you happened to be a fan of Bethesda's latest shooter, good news: there's an expansion on the way! Bad news: it's still a few weeks out.


Rage 2's Rise of the Ghosts expansion is set to launch on Sept. 26, which is a little over two weeks from now. And it appears to be adding quite a bit of content to the base Rage 2 experience. There's a set of new story missions, a new enemy faction (the Ghosts from the title), a new area called Overgrown city, a new weapon called the Feltrite Laser Launcher, a new void ability, and a new ride in the Ghost Motorcycle. Not too shabby!

The expansion isn't priced totally out of whack, either. Rise of the Ghosts by itself will ring up at $15 — or 1,500 RAGE coins, if you have those — which is actually quite reasonable compared to the DLC drops you might find in other games.

The worst part about this expansion might be the fact that, according to Destructoid, it was originally supposed to come out in August. Imagine being one of the people who loved Rage 2 enough to care about its extra content, only to watch as the game's first expansion got delayed by a month. What a gut punch.


Fortunately, you don't have much longer to wait. Sept. 26 is just around the bend, along with Rise of the Ghosts. So if you've exhausted every side mission, captured every point on the map, and are basically riding around the Rage 2 hellscape looking for things to do, you'll soon have some extra content coming your way. Just be sure you have the $15 or 1,500 RAGE coins to pony up for it.

