Grand Theft Auto 3 Might Be Coming To Switch

There may be a new Grand Theft Auto release on the way, though it's not the long-awaited GTA 6 announcement we've all been hoping for. Instead, it's what appears to be a port of a much older GTA title that many people believe could be coming to the Nintendo Switch.


The Australian Classification Board recently attached a shiny new rating to 2001's Grand Theft Auto 3. And no, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. That is the Grand Theft Auto game from the year 2001; the one that first appeared on the PlayStation 2. Why could this game possibly need a new rating in 2019? You can already find GTA 3 on PC, iOS and Android, in addition to the various platforms the game released on originally.

The one place you can't play Grand Theft Auto 3, however, is on the Nintendo Switch. But when you consider GTA 3's age and the fact that the Switch could probably run the game without breaking a sweat, the Switch sure seems like a platform a port could land on.


If the above is true, and GTA 3 comes to Switch, it would actually become the second Rockstar Games release to hit Nintendo's hybrid. L.A. Noire got a port to the Switch back in 2017, leaving many to hope that other Rockstar titles might also get the Switch treatment. That hasn't been the case (sorry, Bully fans) but there's a possibility GTA 3 could get the ball rolling for more of the studio's games to make the jump. But we'll have to wait and see.

We usually feel pretty good about game ratings and what they mean in terms of reliably predicting news around a re-release or port. Something is going on with Grand Theft Auto 3, and from where we're sitting, a Switch port certainly makes sense. We'll keep an eye out for more news, though, and let you know if anything else turns up.

