Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 Delayed, Will Launch Later In 2020

We have some bad news to report for fans of the original Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines. The game's follow-up, Bloodlines 2, is being delayed out of its previously announced Q1 2020 release window, and will now launch sometime later in 2020. When exactly, we don't know.


Developer Hardsuit Labs broke the disappointing news on the official Bloodlines 2 website earlier this morning.

"For the last three and half years, we've worked hard to bring you a worthy successor to Bloodlines 1," the studio said. "To us, that meant not only making good on the ambitions of this remarkable game, but also a duty to ensure we would not repeat its mistakes. Today we have to tell you that we need some more time to get you the game you've been waiting for."

With that, Hardsuit announced that it would "value quality over making the Q1 launch window," stating that Bloodlines 2 would "still launch in 2020."

On one side of the coin, this has to be a huge bummer to those who were hoping to get their hands on Bloodlines 2 early next year. Those who played the first Bloodlines may have lamented some of the issues it faced early on, but many still believed it was, as Hardsuit said, a "remarkable game." There were undoubtedly some fans who wanted to see where the studio could take a sequel, but unfortunately, they'll have to wait a little longer to find out.


On the flip side, though, you have to admire how transparent Hardsuit is being about the delay and the reasons behind it. The studio is well aware at this point that Bloodlines could've used more time in the oven, so it's not eager to rush Bloodlines 2 out the door in the same way. Hardsuit wants to get it right, even if it means delaying a game a lot of people have really been looking forward to. It's a tough decision to make, and frankly, we wish more developers would make it.

We'll keep an ear to the ground for Bloodlines 2's new release date, and let you know should we hear anything more about the game in general.

