Legends Of Runeterra: Champion Card Abilities And Stats

In Legends of Runeterra, the new digital, strategy-based card game from Riot Games, you build decks centered around iconic League of Legends characters. These champions come from different regions of Runeterra, bringing their own styles and advantages to the table. For the many hopefuls looking to get in on the action during the preview patch over the next few weeks or the closed beta early next year, here's a look at what each champion has to offer.


At present, Legends boasts four champions for each of the six regions, offering 24 champions in total. We've included the card stats, abilities, and level up requirements for each champion with leveled stats and buffs displayed in square brackets to the right of the base numbers. Champions are listed by mana cost within their respective region's section, ranging from lowest to highest.

Legends of Runeterra: Demacia Champions

Champions from the Demacia region tend to be defensive in nature, basing their movements around finesse and selective attacks. Garen, a melee powerhouse, acts as the exception to the rule.


Cost: 2


Attack: 3 [+1]

Defense: 2 [+1]


  • Quick Attack [Double Attack]
  • [The first time an ally dies each round, ready your attack.]

Level up condition: If Lucian sees 4+ allies or Senna, Sentinel of Light die.


Cost: 3

Attack: 3 [+1]

Defense: 3 [+1]


  • Challenger [Challenger]
  • [When Fiora kills 4 enemies and survives, you win the game.]

Level up condition: Fiora has killed 2 enemies.


Cost: 5

Attack: 5 [+1]

Defense: 3 [+1]


  • Barrier [Barrier]
  • [Attack: Create a Fleeting "Final Spark" in hand."]

Level up condition: Cast 6+ mana of spells in a round with Lux on the board.


Cost: 6

Attack: 6 [+1]

Defense: 6 [+1]

Type: Elite


  • Regeneration [Regeneration]
  • [Start of the Round: Ready your attack.]

Level up condition: Strike the enemy twice.

Legends of Runeterra: Freljord Champions

The abilities of the Freljord champions reflect the frozen tundra from which they hail, combining the raw offensive power of an ice storm with the unbroken resilience required to survive such a harsh and unforgiving environment. Note that Eggnivia is not a separate champion but a form Anivia assumes when she is resurrecting.


Cost: 3
Attack: 0 [+1]
Defense: 5 [+2]

  • Challenger [Challenger]
  • Regeneration [Regeneration]
  • When Braum survives damage, summon a Mighty Poro.

Level up condition: Braum survives a total of 10 damage.


Cost: 4

Attack: 5 [+1]

Defense: 3 [+1]


  • Attack: Frostbite the strongest enemy. [Attack: Frostbite the strongest enemy.]
  • Enemies with 0 power can't block.

Level up condition: You Frostbite 5 or more enemies. Then create a Crystal Arrow next round.


Cost: 3
Attack: 4 [+1]

Defense: 2 [+1]


  • Can't Block [Can't Block]
  • Attack: Deal 1 damage to all enemies. [Attack: Deal 2 damage to all enemies.]
  • [Last Breath: Revive Anivia transformed into Eggnivia]

Level up condition: Last Breath: Revive Anivia transformed into Eggnivia.


Cost: 1

Attack: 0

Defense: 1


  • Can't Block

Level up Condition: Start of the Round: Transform Eggnivia back into Anivia and Level Up.


Cost: 8

Attack: 8 [+1]

Defense: 4 [+5]


  • Overwhelm [Overwhelm]
  • [Fearsome]
  • [Tough]

Level up condition: If Tryndamere dies, level up instead.

Legends of Runeterra: Ionia Champions

Ionia's champions rely on dexterity and long-honed techniques to evade attacks, occasionally drawing on spells, barriers, and other tactics to mislead or counter their opponents.


Cost: 4

Attack: 3 [+1]


Defense: 2 [+1]


  • Quick Attack [Quick Attack]
  • Attack: Create an attacking Living Shadow with Zed's stats. [Attack: Create an attacking Living Shadow with Zed's stats and keywords.]

Level up condition: Zed and/or his shadows have struck the enemy Nexus twice.


Cost: 4

Attack: 2 [+1]

Defense: 6 [+1]


  • Support: Give supported ally Barrier. [Support: Give supported ally Barrier.]
  • [When an ally gets Barrier, give it +3/+0 this round.]

Level up condition: Shen has "seen" allies gain Barrier 4 times.


Cost: 4

Attack: 4 [+1]

Defense: 3 [+1]


  • Quick Attack [Quick Attack]
  • When you Stun or Recall an enemy, deal 2 damage to it. [When you Stun or Recall an enemy, Yasuo strikes it.]

Level up condition: Stun or Recall 6+ units.


Cost: 5

Attack: 4 [+1]

Defense: 3 [+1]


  • End of the Round: Create a random spell in hand. [When you play a spell, cast it again on the same targets.]

Level up condition: You're Enlightened.

Legends of Runeterra: Noxus Champions

The Noxus champions hit hard and fast, savagely dancing in and out of battle and often eliminating enemies before they've had a chance to react.

Cost: 3
Attack: 4 [+1]
Defense: 3 [+1]

  • Quick Attack [Quick Attack & Overwhelm]
  • Play or Strike: Create a "Spinning Axe" in hand. [Play or Strike: Create 2 Spinning Axe in hand.]

Level up condition: Strike twice with Draven, using Spinning Axes to buff him each time.


Cost: 3

Attack: 3 [+1]

Defense: 2 [+1]


  • Quick Attack [Quick Attack]
  • [Play: Ready your attack.]
  • [Strike: Recall Katarina.]

Level up condition: Katarina strikes. Then she is Recalled.


Cost: 5

Attack: 5 [+1]
Defense: 5 [+1]

  • Attack: For each other attacking ally, deal 1 to it and 1 to the enemy Nexus. [Attack: For each other attacking ally, deal 1 to it and 1 to the enemy Nexus.]
  • [Regeneration]

Level up condition: You've had 6 or more allies survive damage.


Cost: 6
Attack: 6 [+4]
Defense: 5 [+0]

  • Overwhelm [Overwhelm]

Level up condition: The enemy Nexus has 10 or less health.

Legends of Runeterra: Piltover & Zaun

The Piltover and Zaun champions rely on a host of gadgets and inventions to eliminate their opponents and generally make their lives miserable. From poisonous mushrooms and portable turrets to rocket launchers, they've found a number of creative ways to take out anyone who stands in their way.


Cost: 1
Attack: 1 [+1]
Defense: 1 [+1]

  • Elusive [Elusive]
  • Nexus Strike: Add 5 Poison Puffcaps to the enemy's deck [Nexus Strike: Double the Poison Puffcaps in the enemy's deck]

Level up condition: When the enemy player has 15 or more Poison Puffcaps in their deck.


Cost: 3

Attack: 1 [+1]

Defense: 3 [+1]


  • Elusive [Elusive]
  • Nexus Strike: Create a Fleeting Mystic Shot in hand. [Nexus Strike: Create a 0 cost Fleeting Mystic Shot in hand.]
  • [When you cast a spell, deal 2 damage to the enemy Nexus.]

Level up condition: Targeted the enemy units 8 or more times.


Cost: 4

Attack: 4 [+1]

Defense: 3 [+1]


  • Quick Attack [Quick Attack]
  • [Start of the Round: Draw 1 – The first time you empty your hand each round, create a Fleeting Super Mega Death Rocket! in hand.]

Level up condition: Your hand is empty.


Cost: 5

Attack: 1 [+1]

Defense: 3 [+1]


  • When you cast a spell, create a Fleeting Turret in hand. [When you cast a spell, create a Fleeting Upgraded Turret in hand.]

Level up condition: You've summoned 12+ total power of Turrets.

Legends of Runeterra: Shadow Isles Champions

Whether through summoning minions or twisting the minds of allies, the corrupted champions of the Shadow Isles often use their twisted power to force others to fight on their behalf.

Cost: 2
Attack: 2 [+2]
Defense: 3 [+0]

  • Fearsome [Fearsome & Challenger]
  • Attack: Summon a 1/1 spiderling that is attacking. [Other spider allies have Challenger and Fearsome.]

Level up condition: If Elise and three spiders are on the board. Transform into Spider Queen Elise. (Gains the spider type)


Cost: 3

Attack: 4 [+1]

Defense: 2 [+1]


  • Play: Kalista bonds with an ally that takes all damage for her. [Play: Kalista bonds with an ally that takes all damage for her.]
  • [Attack: Revive the bonded ally attacking and reforge the bond.]

Level up condition: Kalista sees 3 or more allies die.


Cost: 5

Attack: 3 [+1]

Defense: 5 [+1]


  • When an enemy dies, heal Thresh 1.
  • [The first time Thresh attacks this game, summon an attacking champion from your deck or hand.]

Level up condition: Thresh sees 3 or more enemies die.


Cost: 6
Attack: 4 [+1]
Defense: 6 [+1]

  • Overwhelm [Overwhelm]
  • Attack: Summon 2 attacking Spectral Rider. [Attack: Summon 2 attacking Spectral Rider.]
  • [Ephemeral allies have +2/+0]

Level up condition: You're attacked with 8+ Ephemeral allies.

