Fortnite Player's Mistake Gets A Hilarious In-Game Tribute

Clearly the developers over at Epic Games have a good sense of humor, judging by their latest addition to Fortnite: Chapter 2. The game's latest patch has placed a tombstone, some lovely flowers, and a "no swimming" sign at the foot of the map's famous new waterfall feature. Who died? Player IFrost-Origins, in a hilarious video that went viral a few weeks back. 


Fortnite: Chapter 2 added a significant amount of water features to celebrate the update's new swimming mechanic. In fact, the Battle Pass trailer showed a player diving off the top of this waterfall and into the stream below. IFrost-Origins tried and failed to recreate this moment. Instead, they swam to the edge of the waterfall and dove straight into the ground beside it, eliminating themselves in the process. Not quite as cool as the trailer. 

First thing I did in Chapter 2 from

The video of this blunder got enough attention to draw the eyes of Epic Games, apparently. Upon seeing the tribute to their untimely death, IFrost-Origins posed in a zombie skin beside their grave, saying, "Thanks Epic, very cool!"


A tribute to a rescue gone wrong

This isn't the first time that Epic Games has gone out of its way to memorialize a player's most embarrassing moment. Streamer Muselk had a rescue mission go terribly wrong earlier this year when he spotted a player who had fallen off the edge of the map, surviving on an itty bitty ledge. Muselk assumed that the doomed player, Chappadoodle, had run out of building materials and was thus unable to climb back up. After engineering a stairway down, however, Muselk discovered that Chappadoodle was unable to build because he was so far off the map. He couldn't be reached.


Muselk's bright idea was to use a nearby golf cart as a springboard so that poor Chappadoodle could escape his exile. Unfortunately, Muselk accidentally hit the unsuspecting Chappadoodle with the golf cart, throwing him into the sea and killing him. 

This oopsie earned them an in-game Easter egg in the form of a tombstone and a smattering of tires so that no one would ever have to suffer as Chappadoodle did. Clearly, Epic Games pays attention to it's fans' Victory Royales as well as their greatest failures.

