Fortnite: Chapter 2 The Lowdown Mission Challenges, Hidden Letter 'N' Location

Thursday is almost like a mini-holiday in Fortnite: Chapter 2, isn't it? A new Mission drops. New challenges appear to test your skill (or your luck, in many cases). And you have a chance to gain more XP so you can level up that battle pass and unlock some sweet, sweet loot. And who doesn't want loot?


This week's Mission is called The Lowdown, and this might not shock you all that much: the name has very little to do with the challenges contained within it.

Here's what The Lowdown mission is asking you to accomplish:

  • Search Chests at E.G.O. outposts (7)
  • Assault Rifle Eliminations (3)
  • Deal damage to opponents while riding in a Motorboat (500)
  • Revive a teammate in different matches (3)
  • Visit different E.G.O. outposts (5)
  • Search Ammo Boxes in different Named Locations (7)
  • Heal teammates with a Bandage Bazooka (200)
  • Eliminate opponents at Craggy Cliffs or Salty Springs (3)
  • Reboot a teammate
  • Assist teammates with Eliminations (7)
  • Search for the hidden "N" found in The Lowdown Loading Screen

These seem a little more reasonable than last week's challenges, don't they? The trickiest thing you'll have to do this week is probably the whole "dealing damage while in a motorboat" thing. That'll require a motorboat that hasn't been destroyed, as well as enemies that are nearby while you're riding in one. Chances are, though, if others are trying to complete this challenge at the same time, you'll find plenty of people trying to get out on the water.

CH2:S1:W5, The Lowdown Challenges (All-Inclusive Cheat Sheet) from


Now, let's talk about that letter "N" on the map. You'll find in a metal barn-type structure south of Holly Hedges. Enter that building, walk up the stairs, and snag your "N" from atop a barrel of Slurp. It's probably one of the easier letters to find thus far: just make sure you've actually unlocked that challenge before you go searching.

And that's it! Be sure to check back next week as we break down the next Mission in Fortnite: Chapter 2.

