You Can Play Minecraft Earth Today (If You're In The U.S.)

Ever log on to Pokemon Go and wish the Pokemon were a bit more... blocky? Today you can download Minecraft Earth and experience the world of Minecraft layered onto your reality.

Minecraft Earth was tested in five cities around the world, and is now live on iOS and Android as part of an early release in the US. Before the end of this year, Microsoft has promised that the whole world will be able to get in on the Minecraft Earth trend. Using the power of AR, players can break blocks, collect chickens, and build to their heart's content. Minecraft Earth is just like Minecraft, but rather than lurking in a virtual world, you just might find a Creeper in your neighborhood. 


Already players in the U.S. are building forts in their living rooms and following pigs down the street. And really, it looks like a lot of fun.

The trailer released earlier this year showed off the massive, collaborative builds players are able to work together to create. And we know what you're probably thinking: does that mean anyone can just go around destroying other people's creations? Worry not, dear builders, because your work lives on in your own, individual save. You can always return things to normal after wreaking a little havoc here and there. 

As for building, blocks are gathered out in the real world and can be used to build various creations that you can drag and drop into the real world. Seriously, it's pretty surreal to watch as someone walks inside a Minecraft-ed house.


If building isn't your thing, Minecraft Earth also features so-called "Adventures" that randomly spawn (think raids in Pokemon Go) throughout the world. Called "a slice of a real Minecraft world in life size on the ground," these Adventures might be caverns, crevices, or random mobs. But be careful out there, miners: getting blown up or plummeting to your death will take away your hard-won items.

We're unsure at this time when Minecraft Earth will open up to a wider audience, but as soon as we hear something, we'll let you know.

