Rumor: Fans Think A New BioShock Game Is In Development

There have been rumors buzzing about a new BioShock game for a while now, but they've only been whispers and speculation. Today we've gleaned some news that seems a bit more substantial.

According to a job posting, 2K games is starting up a new studio. Here's a piece of the job description.


"In the game we're making, the story itself will come to a conclusion," the post says. "The world, by contrast, is something we are designing to be alive and engaging past the main narrative arc. To leverage this, we want to build a post-narrative set of systems, quests and player progression that gives our fanatic fangirls and fanboys more content to experience on an ongoing, live-services basis."

That concept could apply to a number of Take-Two titles. But here's the kicker: the team at this new studio is made up of quite a few BioShock veterans. While we don't have any official news, the rumor mill is powered by tidbits of information like this. Earlier last year, Kotaku's Jason Schreier reported that there was a top secret BioShock game being made at 2K's as-yet announced new studio. Is this the studio he glimpsed? Is BioShock 4 happening? And could it have some sort of live service component?


When you pair this fact with comments made by Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick during the company's quarterly earnings report, it indicates that there could be some big sequels on the way. 

"Looking ahead, Take-Two has the strongest development pipeline in its history, including sequels from our biggest franchises as well as exciting new IP," Zelnick said.

This could mean a lot of things. After all, Take-Two is Rockstar's parent company, for instance, and we've already been wondering if Rockstar is secretly developing Grand Theft Auto 6. But fans seem certain that this new project — the one tied to the job posting — is BioShock-related. Perhaps we'll get a new BioShock and a new Grand Theft Auto soon.

We have our fingers crossed, but until there is an official announcement, we'll just have to wait and hope.

